Thursday, November 30, 2023

I Wish


I got nothin'. Enjoy your day.

With the cold weather having descended, I can say I wish I was lounging on a yacht like this dude.


Xersex said...

mouthwatering dicks for everyone's tastes!

SickoRicko said...

Yeah, I'm not a fan of cold weather either. I see a nap in my future today. Have a good one!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ohhh daddy with the finger on the lips?
Now, THAT'S what I need in cold days.


Big Dude said...

I would not consider this collection of cock shots "nothing!" Some nice hard rods, and some handsome soft peters...what else would we want? (Other than maybe a roll in the hay with one or more of these men?)

Mistress Maddie said...

Well thank you Pat for that first picture!!!!! I admit it and he got me hot! Sexy picture!

uptonking said...

Got nothing? Not true. You got some first class pics of some first class men. Grr. Curl up in something warm, my dear. Think of yourself as Persephone... and this is your six month turn in Hades. Doesn't mean you can't have fun. :P

Your French Patrick said...

I think there is equality between your reader and his wife. In any case, the young boy will educate himself on his own or with friends. So, a little sooner or a little later you have to resign yourself to it being done, and it is better that it is guided by his father rather than by a few less well-intentioned individuals.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a great weekend

Your French Patrick said...

LAID, in French, means UGLY