Thursday, February 26, 2015

Guardian Guards Against Cock

And, now I read in The Guardian that The Daily Mail is proudly claiming Victory for forcing the change in Google policy - all in the interest of "protecting the children" of course. (Faithful Reader Jean has provided links in yesterday's comments) The religious ultra-conservatives have fully embraced the Taliban-like procedures of controlling what people see or read.

With the vast and fast migration to Tumblr, I wonder how long it will take the English-speaking Taliban to put enough pressure on Tumblr to follow the new Google policy. From the Comments YourFrenchPatrick has left on yesterday's post, it appears it is time to seriously look into migrating, so that I may continue writing about the physiology and psychology of the male package.

All in the interest of education...


Your French Patrick said...
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Your French Patrick said...

Yahoo baught Tumblr 1.2 billions dollars. Not so bad for a label recently created from zero.
As long as Google has not baught Yahoo, you are as quiet as...
as... possible.

The sooner you'll migrate, or at least create your Tumblr, the sooner and the longer you'll can give to everyone the future new address on your (yuk) Blogger.

Bisous my friend.
Courage, Pat, and I even wish you to have fun in this work.

Anonymous said...

It is the epitome of stupidity that a blog like yours, that benefits the readers with sound sexual health information should have to be put away and hidden from view. I still don't know what I am going to do, but it feels more like a clean break from Blogger and a Full Frontal Hardon for Tumblr. We shall see. I did fix your problem with Tumblr. I added the Disqus comment widget to AOM Beauty Tumblr. I may not have it set up perfectly yet, but we will be able to comment and chat keeping up our Hugs and Strokes with each other. Have a bonerific day, bro. Hugs and Strokes, AOM

Xersex said...

that is what I'm thinking!!!

Robert H. said...

Phil is probably right about fleeing to Tumblr, to escape Google's preposterous new policies. As for the Daily Mail, no one in California, I'll hazard a guess, cares about an insignificant tabloid printed on an island off the coast of Europe. Watching the editors of the Daily Mail spraining their arms to pat themselves on the back as they smugly claim credit....words fail!

Unknown said...

Think I'll just close both my blogs!

Anonymous said...

i'd sure miss the nipples and cock on #3 and that beautiful dick on 4!!

Jean said...

I was trying to figure the business reason (there has to be one) for why Google would make this move. The Japanese have great technique called," The Five Whys" to get to the root of a problem, ask why 5 times.

I give up! I am surprised someone isn't jumping in to solve this problem for you and all the other affected Bloggers!

Queer Heaven said...

You mentioned in your comment on my blog that you do not think anyone would read your blog if it were not for all the beautiful Dick Pictures you post.
Well... this here Queer has to disagree... your blog is about so much more than those photos.
I really hope you decide to keep postin your wonderful advise & knowledge of how Da Dick works!

O!Daddie said...

Blogger, Tumblr and a number of other platforms are provided to users AT NO CHARGE. I accept the bottom line on all this in that "if you play in my yard for free, you play by my rules."

Nobody is stopping any of us from finding an unrestricted pay-for-play platform that supports our art form.

BTW, I follow and 'borrow' from about a dozen Blogger blogs and haven't heard 'boo' yet about their future intentions. Guys???

Xersex said...

I share the opinion of Queer, both for you and Queer himself! youir blog are much more than only pics!!!

john said...

Couldn't wait to share with you and your readers:

Your French Patrick said...

@ john:
The great Ayatollah Google pull his pants up and down and changes his mind as often (perhaps more) as he changes his shirt.
As regards me I am not changeable as the weather, and anyway they still forbid the porn the borders of which are matter of variable geometry and not of arithmetic.
Not to say that Google deserves to be punished.
Best regards.

whkattk said...

@ john - Thank you for supplying that link - it will help assure my fellow Bloggers that my post was sincere and real. Have a wonderful weekend!

Amanda said...

Not sure where would be the best place to mention this, but thought you might want to know about this article from the British Journal of Urology. I know worries about size as compared to other men is something a lot of men worry about, so maybe this will put some at ease. (Make sure to note that measurements are in cm, threw me off at first :P)

whkattk said...

@ Amanda - I shall go read and report on it, of course. Thank you, it is always appreciated when you join the conversation!