Friday, November 22, 2019

Seen It, Heard It, Treated It

I am grateful to get messages like this one:

"During Movember, I checked myself and my left testicle was swollen, not painful, but a little sore. I did not think too much about it since there were no lumps. Then a few days later I pissed blood in my urine and there was blood in my semen. I was embarrassed to discuss with my doctor and endure the ultrasound. I was diagnosed with a Hydrocele.  The area just outside of the testicle was swollen from and infection.  The remedy was a round of antibiotics. The swelling is starting to go down and no more blood.  My point in writing is just to remind guys to be aware of changes in their bodies and seek medical help and to be upfront with your doctor about the problem.  Your blog makes a real difference in lives."   

Thank you so much; I appreciate that. I'm very happy to hear you sought medical attention and the issue is resolving. Hydrocele can be quite painful, and left unchecked could lead to nastier things.
I think I posted about my own Hydrocele and subsequent testicular ultrasound several years ago. Him running a gelled wand over the balls and base of the shaft caused my cock to get hard. The technician was great about it, though - he even apologized to me for having caused it.

We should never be embarrassed with medical personnel. As Faithful Reader Jean has pointed out, they have seen it, they have heard it, and they have treated it.

Beside those facts, that medical professional has the same things hanging there that you do, and he's quite familiar with their function.
Don't let Movember pass by.
Get checked
Correction: I stated above I had a Hydrocele. Nope. It was a Varicocele; varicose veins within the scrotum.


SickoRicko said...

You and your blog are a great service to men. Have a great weekend!

Xersex said...

thanks for all and happy week end!

Mistress Maddie said...

It's nice to read there is a happy ending for this guy. Doctors are there for this check all and any issues we have. Why don't know why the embrassment and shyness. My cock is to important for me to play games with. The first issues to arise...Id be at the doctors.

Have a good weekend all!

Anonymous said...

Great advice. I like that 2nd pic; he looks so soft, smooth and supple. Looks very easy and ready to be checked!

Maybe other guys can relate. As for me, I hate it when my scrotum tightens up and the testicles pull up making it more difficult to "check". This always happens to me when I'm at the doctors office, and then it feels like the doctor has to squeeze and dig in deeper to do the exam. Self checks are easier because I just check myself when the skin is loose and relaxed like after a shower. I Wish there was something I could do or take prior to a real professional exam to enable me to relax and present with the loosened skin. It just seems like it would be so much easier for the doc. I don't know what it is, but I assume it is nervousness, anxiety and no doubt some embarrassment. I realize no need to be, but sometimes easier said than done.

JeanWM said...

For the Americans on here, many thanks to the hard-working and courageous people of our US government.
We are proud and thankful for their service.
I wish for everyone a relaxing weekend. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Anon - The issue causing the tight scrotum is two-fold. 1. Would be the typical cold temps in medical offices (kept that way to minimize germs). Cold makes it shrivel and the skin to pucker to lift the balls for warmth. 2. Nerves, anxiety, and expectation of the exam. Thos three things basically boil down to a type of fear. Fear pulls our balls up during "fight or flight" situation.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - 100% The Comrades within the House and Senate have no shame.

Anonymous said...

@whkattk - I wish there was something direct I could do to remedy the situation. I suppose I could try wearing something really warm. Sometimes I probably don't realize I have nerves or try to ignore them, but I suppose the body effects are still there hence the tight package.

Anonymous said...

I think the takeaway message here is that your blog is indeed very valuable.....more than you know. We appreciate the eye candy, the occasional comedy to laugh at ourselves, the ability to make us feel like we are all brothers in the same boat (because we are)...but most of all we appreciate the education and enlightenment.

whkattk said...

@ Anon- When you get into the doctor's office and you are waiting for the can do a couple of things to keep the sac loose. Cup your package with your hands and close your legs as best you can. Or, place your balls between your thighs and cross your legs to keep the balls warm. Keep that position until he gets ready for the check. If he asks what / why be frank and tell him, you're trying to keep things warm so they will hang better for the exam. He'll understand, I promise.