Wednesday, June 9, 2021

A Tough Battle


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They got a lot of balls. 

But it's only the First Quarter and it's going to be a tough battle.

The vacant parcel next our little community of 13 homes is being developed. We welcome that because it's better than the vagrants who start fires. The grade is already 5' higher than ours - to which they propose adding another 5'. Which would require a new 6'-high retaining wall, then a 6' screenwall... Imagine coming out to your yard and your view is a 13' - 18'-high wall. Talk about blocking out the sun. Then add a two-story home peering down on your backyard pool, which you will have to pay to heat because it gets zero sun.

So, the developer and permitting entity suggest changing the top 6' of the proposed wall to decorative wrought iron bars. No. Just no.

I can see the result of that without straining a single brain cell. The new neighbors calling the police because the folks behind them are ****gasp**** out in their back yard naked!

Then, what's a guy to do if he sprouts wood?

And wants to stroke one out?


Your French Patrick said...

Excellent arguments that convince us all, but I'm less sure what a court responsible for deciding the dispute would think.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

SickoRicko said...

What a pisser! Why do they have to ADD five feet? What a conundrum.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Wait what?
I can understand wanting someone in an empty lot but really. They'll do some sun blocking and peeping? Ugh. That's a problem.
Hope they find a solution!


Anonymous said...

Affluent suburbs aren't really a place to be naked outdoors. Us country boys love doing that, but that's because we typically have enough property to have a spot not visible from any roads.

William said...

So sorry, what a bummer.

JeanWM said...

Hope springs eternal, I am constantly amazed at how our own city planning commission actually listens to the residents. I live in a city with a big university, where students and investors would convert every house into dorms packed with students. And what is left would be turned into Airbnb. Our City has said over and over nothing doing. Hugs and bisous.

Unashamed Male said...

Good luck with the wall situation, Pat. The photo of the wrestler sporting a boner under his singlet, boldly labeled "Virgin", made me smile. (Yes, I know what it really says.)

uptonking said...

I feel for you... that development? Sucks. I dislike anything that impedes my desire to be naked at the prairie. Currently? There are bicycling classes winding their way through. It doesn't last long... but, jeeze. Next will be the Monarch butterfly classes. Ugh. Well... at least all of that is temporary. You? You have a 6' problem to deal with... sigh. Hope it works out well. Kizzes.

Mistress Maddie said...

I have a friend in NJ, and he has a hot tub on his deck. His neighbor is a pain in the ass and ask my friend to make sure he and his guest stay dressed. He even had more subrubs put in as to not see my friend or friends visiting... Yet when I was there once, we were in the hot tub... he first came through the gate once, to tell us to lower our voices, of course we were nude. Then again...because we were naked. My friend said he always complains he has to see what going on...yet when my friend was blowing me later, we noticed he was looking out from his second story window.

Hot guys said...

I giggled at that first photo! 😜

I did, however, enjoy seeing that first pool GIF, though! 😉

whkattk said...

@ Rick - they don't have to. It's possible to get proper drainage without it by rearranging the lot layout. They'd lose 2 lots. So, it's greed, as usual.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - We think we may at least win some concessions. The AirBnB doesn't float well here, as you can imagine. The big hotel/casinos don't like it. Minimum rental: 30 days. 'Course there are a lot of cheaters...but they do get caught and pay hefty fines; the more often they get caught, the higher the fines.

whkattk said...

@ Mistress - the good thing about your friend's hot tub situation: He has a "reasonable expectation of privacy." But I really think that neighbor of his likes what he sees.

Anonymous said...

Some areas will not allow a developer to block the sun if you have solar panels that you use for electricity or hot water. Just a thought.

Xersex said...

very sexy pics & men!