Thursday, February 10, 2022

Any Suggestions?


🎼🎶"Mama said there'd be days like this. There'd be days like this, my momma said." 🎶

Days when I just want to laze about.

Talk or text with a few friends.
Watch some bad TV
Maybe pour a drink
Put some music on the turntable

Crack open a good book

Maybe one that might make the lists of banned books. You know...

Maybe even something boner-inducing.

Any suggestions?


SickoRicko said...

Laze about is a good plan.

Your French Patrick said...

Rest well, we all know that you're not too lazy.
Just a little, LOL

Hugs and bisous, my darlings chéris Jean and Pat.

Xersex said...

reading & sexing

paulmmn said...

Four of my favorite sci-fi novels, that I keep going back to over and over again.

Way Station - Clifford Simak
All the Colors of Darkness - Lloyd Biggle Jr.
Time is the Simplest Thing - Clifford Simak
Voyage from Yesteryear - James P Hogan

Favorite authors include Heinlein, Asimov, Lackey, McCaffrey (the brainships and the Dragonflight series)... there are others!


JeanWM said...

Turn on the Olympics! Buy some make-your-own popcorn, all you need is an old pot with lid, a jar of popcorn, salt and oil. Lots of butter. Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

May I suggest a nice massage by a trained professional? Beautiful images.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I'm always for some music and a book.
Having 'me' time has become essential these days, Big.


Fullmoonma said...

Masturbate anyway - once your cock is engaged things might change!

uptonking said...

I am working my way through a couple of tomes. Maneater by Dick Jones will keep you scratching your head. It's well-written, very disturbing, very sexual, but it also makes little sense. i love a challenge. Have a lovely day.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Done. And, done. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Six - That's for sure. With the easing of restrictions, I'm feeling a little anxious. XOXO

whkattk said...

@ Gabriel - Wish you lived nearby. I'd be on your table. 😁

whkattk said...

@ MFP - LOL. Just a teensy bit. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ paul - All four have been added to my reading list. Thanks!

whkattk said...

@ Upton - I'll have to check out that one. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

These days are the reason Campbells invented Chicken Noodle Soup, & Tomato Soup, & Vegetable Soup, & Bean Soup. So that on bad days like today, we can warm up something comforting & crawl back into bed & hibernate.