Tuesday, February 22, 2022



It's "Twosday." 2-22-22. On a Tuesday, to boot. Spend it with a friend.

What's the significance?

According to USA Today: "The deuces are wild today as one of the grandest palindromes of 2022 arrives, unofficially known as "Twosday." Feb. 22, 2022, written out numerically is 2/22/22. Not only is it a palindrome because it reads the same forward and backward, but what makes it special is the date has all twos." [Bold is theirs.]

Some believe it to be a sign of good luck. You know, sort of like finding a Leprechaun on St Patrick's Day.

Lot's of ways to celebrate today, according to NJ True Jersey

Enjoy your day.

The next one won't be until 03/02/2030.


Xersex said...

in Europe we read: 22.02.2022. So it is perfectly palindrome!
Does anyone remember 20.02.2002? I do.

SickoRicko said...

Have a happy!

Unashamed Male said...

Happy Twosday, Pat! It depends how you write dates, but to me, the next palindromic date happens next year on 3/2/23. -Larry

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

My friend kept texting me 'palindrome' and I did not pay attention to it until I read Debra's post.


JeanWM said...

see you all in 02/02/2202. Double Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

I saw on the news where a lot of couples were getting married today. That would be a great date to do that. Sigh...but I wasn't asked. LOL!

Mistress Maddie said...

I on 2/22/22 and my two balls!

uptonking said...

Interesting... I'm just happy to be anywhere... Kizzes.

whkattk said...

@ Gabriel - the wedding chapels were indeed swamped! This town loves it. Happens every time there is a memorable dateline.