Sunday, May 8, 2022

Masturbation Month - May 8


Weekends is when a lot of groups hold their meetings. For instance, the Philly Jacks holds Sunday brunch meetings. Online, for those still concerned about COVID.

And in person.

Oh, yeah.
Happy Mother's Day!

If it comes out Black.... um.....


Anonymous said...

The Mother's Day image made me laugh so hard! LOL!

Happy Masterbation Month to all! Celebrate big!

uptonking said...

It's Rosemary's Baby... The Reveal Party.

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Originally pink was the color for boys.

Xersex said...

happy mongay & new week

Big Dude said...

I am enjoying Masturbation Month, greasing my dick and unloading my jiz every day in honour of the men who post these blogs, and the men who check them out and enjoy them. Guys, this cum load is for you!

whkattk said...

@ Upton - <>. Didn't think of that one! LOL.

whkattk said...

@ Big Dude - That's what it's all about!

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Maybe we should try some gay conversion therapy on ministers who think it is a good idea and see if it lasts. If it doesn't last then our point is proven, if it does work, than problem solved for at least one minister. We do not have ministers with only one hand, so I guess ministers masterbate. Come on admit you enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Last month I actually met a guy looking for a blowie. Didn't give him one, but I do have a new jerkoff partner when COVID goes down a bit more.