Monday, November 28, 2022

A Few Chuckles


Grab your coffee or tea, and have a few chuckles.

Have a good Monday!


SickoRicko said...

Have a good Monday!

Mistress Maddie said...

Lol!!!!!! So far my quota today, it's for good laughs, three cups of coffee, at least five hard ones!

Your French Patrick said...

Have a good week, Monday and chuckles included.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

BatRedneck said...

I think that the sole motivation at being a lifeguard at the Olympics is to get free entry to the locker rooms. An the face of that one only reflects the countdown until all swimmers are back to the shower room :-P
As for the dumbest of policemen, well it only and perfectly showcases the French saying "tirer un coup", so that can only be a clear message about his sexual mood...

P.S.: it seems that my computer froze on displaying the GIF from Pierce Paris. Reached the online support and their diagnose was "Close your eyes, fantasize and reach climax - Or else order him online - May I get your CC number?"
After-sales have definitely become pimps!

Hot guys said...

How many visitors will recognize the guy from the first GIF? 😜

Unashamed Male said...

I love the invisible tape. - Larry

whkattk said...

@ Laurent - LOL. It was online sales that crashed their servers!

whkattk said...

@ Hot Guys - Who? Pierce?? LOL.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG the lifeguard at the Olympics! Can you imagine?
And yep, that's Pierce Paris. Would recognize that body anywhere. And by body I mean dick.


JeanWM said...

lol. Ahh the classic cop pic. These were all really good. I bet Trump never had a "coffee guy" like Pierce!

Hugs and bisous.

Xersex said...

some fucking idiots here! happy tuesgay & new week

Big Dude said...

That male in the first GIF got my engine revving. And the chuckles made the day even better. Thanks. Now I have some fluid to release. Scuse me.

uptonking said...

Thanks for the giggles, hon. That last one is a keeper. I hope to keep both mine, though. Kizzes.