Monday, February 27, 2023

Laugh-Out-Loud Funny


Faithful Reader Jean sent along the link to this video of one of the U.S.' national treasures. I'd never seen it, and it's laugh-out-loud funny. Perfect for Monday Giggles.


Your French Patrick said...

I like the last photo about the dangers of time machines.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a great day to start a great week.

SickoRicko said...

Thanks for the morning chuckles.

paulmmn said...

Evidently, 1997 was a bad year!

Unashamed Male said...

The idea of the telemarketer cartoon was funny, except apparently the cartoonist has never seen or used a land-line phone, which kind of ruins the joke. The handset is not hung up properly (it should be sideways), the handset cord is not connected to the phone, so the air horn blasting into it could not be heard on the other end, and there's no wire connecting the phone to the wall, so it will never ring anyway. Sorry to be critical, but I'm old enough to have had that kind of phone.

The Robin Williams video was hilarious. Thank you.


JeanWM said...

"Who's your daddy?" LOL. I honestly don't think there will ever be anyone like Robin Williams again. You just have to feel sorry for the person who is next to him. I loved Alice and her foghorns.
Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Paulmmn - LOL.

whkattk said...

@ Larry - That phone is certainly out of whack! But, I think, so is Alice! 😁

whkattk said...

@ Jean - I honestly laughed so hard while watching that clip. Poor Martha just didn't get the references to rubbing the meat. Only Williams and Jonathan Winters had such quick wit - there's been on one like them since. Hugs and bisous.

Big Dude said...

LMAO at Robin Williams, loved the other chuckles. Thanks for a cheerful start to my week.

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Loved the humor, thanks.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG love the memes!!
I'm cackling right now, if you wanna know...
And I love Robin Williams! Such a fantastic, chaotic energy!!!


Xersex said...

happy new week!

uptonking said...

Thank you for the many giggles. I always felt sorry for Robin. Schtuck in schtick. Love the metronome, love bottomless cup of coffee, and 1997. Kizzes.

JohnF said...

Isn't it John Travolta in the centre of the Nicolas Cage photographs? (1997)

whkattk said...

@ JohnF - It is Travolta. That's the year that the film "Face Off" was released. The plot was that the two men surgically traded faces.