Thursday, August 24, 2023



"What is the deal with my husband peeing in the yard all the time? As a woman I don't get the attraction."

You mean, beside the fact that it's possible for guys to piss anywhere when they need to?

It's strictly "a guy thing." Chalk it up to instinct.

Like many other male animals, some men feel the need to mark their territory. They'll piss in different places around the property. If it's obvious another animal has come through and replaced those spots or if it rains, they'll feel the need to mark everything again. I think it really is as simple as that.

Though, living in a drought-stricken area, if all men would pee outside, an awful lot of water could be saved.

Even the most water-efficient toilets utilize more than a gallon per flush; Urinals 10oz per flush. Considering how many times a day each man uses the facilities, that's a lot of water to wash down...well, water.


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I don't pee outside unless I must. I don't see the attraction. It's kind of like a porn trope, too.


SickoRicko said...

It's certainly convenient.

Your French Patrick said...

It is true that in the last news no lawn has complained to the courts against these catering which hydrate and nourish them.
Outdoors, urination ventilates and refreshes the penis.
The toilet's door is not likely to get stuck, and too many others to list.
In short, I can see nothing but benefits in this practice except if it is raining, snowing or hailing!

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a wonderful day.

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Maximus and I both pee outside. We live in the country and our view is blocked from the neighbors by woods, shrubs, and out buildings. We do have to be careful of cars using the dirt driveway that goes through our property. We can piss off the back porch and be on with our business. Maximus took to it right away when he moved here.

Mistress Maddie said...

I never seem to go outside unless I really really have to go pee bad. Of course up at the campground everybody pees everywhere.

Jeff said...

I'm lucky enough to live in a house with a garden and often piss it outside.
It's ecological: no waste of water, and urine is a fertilizer with phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium...
jeff Bordeaux France

whkattk said...

@ Six - I guess for some people it is, or can be, a porn trope. XOXO

Adam said...

Because we can! It's something that distinguishes us from others. (I started to say males from females, but I recognize there are trans people with "opposite" plumbing).

Big Dude said...

Never have had a problem with doing it. I got lost on a country dirt road one time, got out to take a leak, and a cop came by. I told him my situation, he kind of laughed, and said he's been there and done that. Then he gave me directions and we were both on our way. I don't know why women even care. It's really no business of theirs.

JeanWM said...

It sure is handy but nobody is mentioning washing hands. Oh well, we've survived a million years so far. Hugs and Bisous.

Anonymous said...

Country boy thing

Anonymous said...

A woman unable to understand a man's different perspective on being different? I'm shocked I tell you, shocked.

Next you will be telling me women don't understand the male sex drive.

Wanderlust said...

I think it’s mostly just convenience. I have never felt the slightest need to mark my territory, but why go inside if you don’t have to? Plus, it’s nice feeling to take out your dick in the great outdoors. Every once in a while, Willy and the twins need some fresh air!

fullmoonma said...

I prefer to pee outside, and when I'm in rural Vermont there are no constraints, except it's kind of gross to see pee stains in the snow! The two streams of my hypospadias cock tend to go in different directs - not a problem outdoors. It's also an opportunity to provide extra nourishment for the bare spots in the grass in the parking area and elsewhere.

nakedswimmer said...

As is everything. Rule 34.

usmcmike44 said...

It also keeps some pesky critters away from the flower gardens!

Rad said...

I prefer to piss outside, but we're kind of close to the neighbors here with minimal privacy between lots. That still has not stopped me on occasion; in the middle of yard work, covered in mud - not going to kick off the shoes to go inside when there is a perfectly fine shed wall to pee against.

I had friends when we lived down in Florida that insisted we piss on their Bird of Paradise plants - that they thrived on the nutrients, and they did! Gigantic plant specimens! Here in New England, where most homes have cesspools, some folks have planted privacy shrubs so you can use the yard and conserve water.

I also found it enticing that Ricky Martin is a fan of pissing both outside and in the shower as a way to conserve water! He brought that up when Puerto Rico was going through a severe drought several years back.

So... just let it flow!

Anonymous said...

I like to take a peek on the urinol, please post more

Anonymous said...

@ Big Dude - I thought you were going to end the anecdote with the cop joining you for a piss. So disappointed.

Jeffrey Hamilton said...

PLUS: urinating on grass or other plants gives them nitrogen! It really does work... I did this when I was oh, maybe, thirteen, always a keen gardener since like 7 yrs old; I really did restore a patch of dead grass by peeing on it every now and then.

Ryan B. said...

There is a small/large exhibitionist side to it too. Both straight and gay. When a guy exposes himself - whether for necessity or, by choice - there is a bit of a chemical release that we like. The most obvious sign is a near flaccid/flaccid penis but, the balls are retracted/tight. If he were to end up with an erection and took it to the end - it would usually end in a very satisfying ejaculation. You are already wired and ready to go - now, you can finally take care of it. Think of what runs through your mind when you are at a bar's urinal trough and see everyone lined up - whipping it out and, letting it flow. Always loved the guys who had enough to drink where they just let it hand as they piss while they are on their phones or, just looking off into the distance.

Obviously, for the alphas and guys who just love to show off and be themselves, they have been doing it for so long they don't even think about it and can be relaxed as they can be but, take care of business in front of anyone. They just don't care - this is what I got - I like it...enjoy...

There is a cultural side to it as well. In SoCal, they had to ask/remind the Hispanic men attending sporting events that they just couldn't whip it out on the sidelines like they do back home.