Friday, July 20, 2012

Working on It

I really do have some of the best readers in the blogosphere! I've gotten some very good responses to the Prince Albert issue. While I sort it all out and figure out how to best present the information... It's Friday... the weekend is here... it's summer... what more excuse do we need to buddy up, get naked, and enjoy ourselves?

Have a great weekend!



These guys certainly seem to be having good weekends! Trust yours is as good!

Westernstock said...

The big group looks quite Nordic and I love the passion of the couple in front of the frying pans!

Queer Heaven said...

I hope you are having a wickedly good naked weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Buddy Pix! I love these. Thanks for the set. I hope you are having a super weekend, bud. Cheers, AOM