Friday, June 21, 2013

J/O Goes Mainstream

You're a guy. You jack off. It's normal. But, would you admit it? In public? In mixed company? On television?

Masturbation is going mainstream! And it does my heart good to find more examples of men freely admitting that they jack off. Twice in one evening of television! One in an ad for the reality series about the first year of marriage: There's a gay couple that is being followed in that series and the two are discussing the frequency of sex. One says to the other, "I'm jacking off twice a day."

The other was on National Geographic; a show about sex: A couple, married for 19 years, is talking with a sex therapist. The wife says she's pretty sure that her husband "pleasures himself" and she's okay with it. He readily admits it, "It's just easier to take care of it myself. And I do!"

The more society hears from guys that whack off, and say they not only do it but enjoy it, the less ridicule there is aimed at it, the more acceptable it becomes. It's natural, normal behavior. It's healthy.

If you're whacking off, you're keeping it healthy. If you're keeping it healthy, you're whacking off!

Make it a very healthy weekend!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely!!! The more we all openly talk about it, the better it will be for all. It makes me happy to hear it openly discussed on TV and movies, too. Thanks for promoting Masturbation and bringing it into the realm of acceptance. Enjoy your weekend my brother. We are stroking together always in Spirit. Hugs and Strokes, bro. AOM

Rebecca said...

have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

HECK YEAH! not ashamed of loving myself

Justin said...

Oh I'll be having a very healthy weekend indeed.

Your French Patrick said...

Have "a very healthy weekend", my dear friend, to begin a beautiful and happy summer.
Kindest regards.

Unknown said...

Enjoy your weekend!??! Great post! Wonderful photos! Hugs, Patrick

O!Daddie said...

Best kept secret in the world?

And Heavens to Murgatroyd,

Women JO TOO!!!

Justin said...

just delete me from the blog list

Anonymous said...

I hope the last on has a double towel at least on the floor. He never stops cumming off the end of the bed. FUCKIN' GLORIOUS!!!

Westernstock said...

A healthily dynamic, encouraging and liberating post.