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Faithful Reader, Roxanne, recently left a comment on a post, remarking on a photo of buds. She said they found it interesting that one guy had cum and the other hadn't (yet), his boner was still in his hand, raging hard. I think it's pretty common when guys play together that they typically don't cum at the same time.
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I remember a scene from the film Yentl, where Mandy Patinkin's character, Avigdor, is explaining to Barbra Streisand's character, Anschel, that he read in a book that a man should always make sure his wife's (sexual) pleasure is seen to before his own. In other words, she cums, then you cum.
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I also remember, as a young married man, that it was the goal for both a man and his wife to orgasm at the same time. It didn't always happen, but when it did - - holy fuck! did it feel incredible. My cock would swell and get ultra hard, I would slam-thrust as deep as possible, the first shot of jizz would rocket out, and she'd start to orgasm. I kept my cock buried to the hilt and the contractions of her orgasm would literally milk the cum out of me as my cock pulsed.
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But, I think because we guys are so visual in our stimulation that, when we play together, seeing the other guy blast is awesome and that can send us right over the edge.
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I think this rarely takes place.
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The response to my question last Friday was incredible and I hope you'll be so kind as to repeat that success. So, please leave a comment, or send an email (anonymous is fine!) and tell me guys:
Which do you prefer? Cumming one at a time, or together?
Straight folks? Who usually cums first?
When my wife is really in the mood (which she usually is) she always cums first and usually more than once.
When she's not so much into it, I go ahead and have my orgasm which sometimes will trigger hers.
On those occasions we cum at the same time and she's pulse/gripping my dick while I'm exploding, I go totally nuts!
You had an uneasy challenge, and you handled it all rather well.
It's very rare to find pictures with a simultaneous ejaculation of the two partners.
The N°1 is the closer to this result (and I reblog it) after the N°3 and N°9 where it's perfectly simutaneous.
I read a comment from one of your followers saying yesterday "the one social relationship I am NOT fked up about is with my cock".
That made me smile because just before I read another sentence on another blog saying that a boner in public is a social int"erection".
Have a great weekend, my very dear friend, and as promised I have a lot of new bisous to give you.
Another great post! Very rarely did I experience simultaneous ejaculations. But one usually did trigger the other persons. Have a restful weekend! And, yes, I did eat fish yesterday and will again today!!!!!
yeah we would like to cum @ the same time but...
Together is awesome!
Cumming together is always great, but I agree with you that it does not happen often. I gotta say though, on of my great pleasures is seeing another guy cum and knowing that i had something to do with it.
Cheers my friend! Hope you are cumming a bunch this weekend.
not having a boyfriend and neved had one, I can't say. But for me it's not so important cumming at the same time. The most important thing is that if one cums before, he's still horny to help or make the other cum! That's absolutely fundamental! If I'm very involved, I succeed not to loose my sexual libido, keeping myself very horny! Sometimes I can't feel any decrease of libido. I'd love to go on for hours!
Love pic 3: the plastic shot!
@ QH - There is some sense of accomplishment, isn't there? I love watching a guy cum. If it's my hand pumping along his cock while he shoots, it's even better.
@ Anon - It's a wild sensation! The way her vaginal walls tighten in a wave-like pattern and milk the shaft is incredible!
Cum together like the song is nice! My fav song too! If I recall, I've only had this happen to me 2 times in my life, 3 if I am lucky. The recent one was 6 years ago after an amazing session.
@ TJ - I'd forgotten about that song! It sure is great when we manage it, isn't it?
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