Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Deal With Them

No eclipse watching for us. Heavy clouds, lots of thunder, a little bit of rain. News reported that the Science Denier in Chief and his wife did begin watching without protective eye wear; it took repeated pleas from staff to alter that. Fake news? Did journalists and their fraudulent networks photoshop the video? No doubt. LOL.
There is no doubt however in the science of cocks. They feel they "misbehave" at inappropriate times; doing things without encouragement or approval.

I asked my surgeon before my muscle biopsy if men get erections when under anesthesia during the surgery. "It's rare, but it can happen." Well, what did I expect? We're asleep. Just like those nighttime boners, it happens.
A post at National Institutes of Health offers surgeons a case file on what to do if an erection poses problems.  I've caught up on I Am Jazz. If you aren't aware, this is a reality show on TLC about a transgender (male to female). One episode had her waking from a surgery, and declaring, "Oh, my God, I've got a boner."
Our cocks are not misbehaving, they are, in fact, doing exactly what they need to to stay healthy. Spontaneous erections happen.

All we men are able to do is deal with them as best we can for the situation in which we find ourselves.


Xersex said...

love your pics!

Your French Patrick said...

In fact, if I am well informed, it seems that his wife had protective eyewear and was not watching the solar eclipse and that his son was looking at his feet while the Denier in Chief of Everything, (what he said on the eve included), was bravely looking at the sun straight in the eye to order it to confess that it was the culprit of the global warming. The sun was so ashamed that it hid behind the moon, and that has been its way to confess its guilt. The sun's demise will prove it in some billions of year as we shall see that there will be no more global warming.
Love, hugs and (warm) bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Unknown said...

Fantastic selection of images! Glorious erections! Hot guys! Hope your storms have passed. Cold but sunny here! The cold winds have ceased! Sunny but cool - 9C! Appreciate your comments!

Anonymous said...

You lie down on the ground outside, looking up - and I'll put my cock between your view and the sun! A WeeeeniEclipse! :p LOL Thanks for all you do for us, bro. Wishing you all the best. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

JeanWM said...

Not at the big rally tonight ;-) ? Only in America can someone win the presidential election and immediately set up a committee to get political donations so that they can start running for the next election in 2020. So Pat you have the joy of having a 2020 political rally tonight.
Your blog is our bright spot. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Didn't attend, rather we teetered between groans and laughs, tottered between dull anger and screaming obscenities as we watched on TV. I don't think I can do that ever again - but we wanted to see if he'd pardon Arpaio from the podium to a national audience. Nope; but he made it clear he will pardon, making it clear just how racist he is. I needed a hot shower with lots of soap after that.

whkattk said...

@ MFP - You are certainly correct in your summation as to how things will end. In the interim, the sun can only hide with shame from time to time. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I'm Lakota, so, no eclipse viewing for me.

Trump's a special child. The only plus is that Schumer and Pelosi can manipulate him just as easily as Putin can, as we saw recrntly. Dunning-Kruger intensifies...

whkattk said...

@ Anon - Great to have you comment!