Thursday, August 31, 2017

Having Fun Trying

There are times I sit and wrack my brain in search of something to post. There are times nothing comes to mind. Or, something is there, but I haven't been able to suss it out. Today is one of the latter, but I'll forge on.
I sat reading the newspaper...
Another letter to Dear Abby from a man who is now engaged to a woman he's deeply in love with, who his family adores. Now, he's trying to figure out what to tell them when they push for the babies to begin arriving. His family is very conservative; he fears their reaction when they're told the young lady is transgender.
Abby rather tap danced around it, essentially suggesting he might tell his family they'll have to adopt and try to leave it at that. But, we all know how family can mine for answers. And, we know how some people can be. "Chick with a dick" is probably the mild end of the cruelty spectrum.
My opinion, advice, would've been: If they haven't figured it out, don't tell them. It's none of their business. The answer to the babies question, "We're having fun trying!"

Am I wrong?


Xersex said...

sure you're right!

Unknown said...

You're never wrong! Concert excellent! Cold and wet this morning 9C, feels 5C!

Your French Patrick said...

Abby is not wrong, you are not wrong, but it is difficult to have a relevant opinion without knowing personally the various protagonists to have a small luck to anticipate their reaction. Too risky for me.
At least and on the contrary, my darlings Jean and Pat, I am not afraid of taking the risk of wishing you a wondrous day with a lot of bisous.

JeanWM said...

I have a rule I've used in work and relationships, "People can handle almost anything if it's not a surprise." That said he knows the cast of characters; suppose someone from her faimily tells his in the future? Things like this always get out and maybe it's for the best. Hugs Pat this was a good question. Bisous to French Patrick, the latest Charlie Hebdo has another one of their controversial covers, as usual, on Hurricane Harvey.

T said...

I would say we just dont want them.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Excellent point. "Honesty is the best policy" still applies today.

SickoRicko said...

That's a tough one.

Anonymous said...

I think it is none of their business. I like the "We are having fun trying" approach. Nothing more needs to be said to the family.