Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Naked Bodies

Lots of good advice for yesterday's reader. I'd urge the writer to become more...accommodating. Because it sounds like the constant nudity bothers him. Nudity should be acceptable, though. His roommate has what he was born with and he's (obviously) not ashamed of that.
Costa Rican model and photographer Luces de Bengala 

states it well on his blog:

Reaction to Nudity
Naked bodies causes all sorts of things, because our society never taught us to face them. It’s actually the other way around, most people don’t know how to react to nudity… we only consider nudity valid when we’re taking a shower, with a closed door, where no one can see us. Or when we’re going to have sex, usually at night, with the lights off. We talk about embarrassing situations and say “I feel like I’m naked”, like there was nothing worse in the whole world. Starting from the story of Adam and Eve they have been teaching us that we have to be ashamed of our body, that we have to hide it. 

The human body is beautiful. It would be great if most people weren’t ashamed by their own body, both for themselves as well as when they’re with other people, and that they would feel free to do with it what they wanted. It would also be great if no one felt that stubborn urge to humiliate, expose and judge the bodies of other people in order to control them. The human body is there to enjoy, value and admire, everything with consent and complete freedom.

It's All Hallows Eve. Don't let the clown frighten you - he's offering you a treat.
Hope you get all the candy and goodies you hope for.
Don't let any party guests hog the pumpkin.
If you see this costume (sold by Skivvies) be sure to snap a few photos for us!

Happy  Halloween, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Get Naked. Stay Naked until Naked is the Norm and then continue Naked. Happy Halloweenie, bro! Wishing you lots of jizzy treats! Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

SickoRicko said...

Happy Halloween to you as well!

Unknown said...

Wonderful post! Fantastic images of glorious men! VIVE LE COCK! Trust you are keeping reasonably well at present. Will be getting my new lower denture today. I may not visit every day while on leave!

Your French Patrick said...

I quote you: "Nudity should be acceptable, though. His roommate has what he was born with and he's (obviously) not ashamed of that."

There are many things that we need and not only desire, that we can legitimately make with no shame but without flaunting it unrestrainedly in the face of the public, especially knowing that our exhibitionism greatly disturbs the spectator against his will.
When we gotta shit, for example. A thing we were born with, too.

On every point, the problem is not what the roommate of your reader does or not, but the way he does it. He can shit in the closets, wank under the shower, and be nude when he is alone. If not, he can just go shit in his hat.

Happy Halloween, my darlings Jean and Pat. Love, hugs and bisous.

JeanWM said...

I will have to put my Halloween candy in the freezer. Its even better, frozen Snickers! Enjoy the night - turn off the news. All bad.

Hugs Pat, bisous French Patrick.

Xersex said...

very interesting text!

I'm be out of few days

enjoy my last posts:

whkattk said...

@ Jean - OMG - me too! Frozen Snickers are the best. Hugs et bisous! Hope your Halloween was excellent!

Anonymous said...

I agree with French Patrick on this.

Oh, and I DEFINITELY agree with Jean re Snickers. As a kid I used to hide one in the freezer section and come back the next day to buy it after school.

Imagination said...

Your Halloween photos inspired me to search more of them in your recent posts. I've put them in an Halloween post on my blog. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Loved his perspective on nudity and the beauty of it. You always find such interesting information and viewpoints.