Thursday, July 26, 2018

I Need a Laugh

Not a good day. Had trouble standing this morning. So, let's try to lighten things, shall we?
Now that's what you call inseparable

Cream in your coffee?

Better hope that thing doesn't go off.
Praying will not make it bigger

Holy crap! Dude, how long has it been?

I need to be measured!

I mean, come on! What if we want a snack while we J/O
No, we're not having dick for lunch!

New grocery product

And don't piss on the floor

Who'd get any sleep???
We'll try, but seriously....

I have a meeting - need to keep the suit clean and wrinkle-free
I want what HE'S having
Enjoy your day.


AOM SoulFood said...

Thanks brother, for all the good laughs and feelings. Thanks for posting through the pain. I hope you feel better. I am sending you positive healing vibes. Take care and enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

Xersex said...

very funny and well done!

William said...

Hope things get better. Thanks for the laughs.

Unknown said...

Yes! One needs to laugh on these occasions. Trust you are soon feeling much better. Blood and urine tests yesterday, results in two weeks! Important meeting today, so have scheduled a post. Cold morning, but nice day forecast.

SickoRicko said...

Very funny post! I hope you feel better soon!


A weekend which begins well! I hope that it will continue in the same way while being at it.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings

Mistress Maddie said...

The guy with the cock out the whole in his jeans...he can shoot me anytime with that thing.

Jeffrey Hamilton said...

hope you get through this