Monday, January 13, 2020

The Consensus

Between comments and emails, it appears guys agree: Erections happen frequently in locker rooms and showers at the gyms across the country.

The consensus being that a combination of things take place. A boost in testosterone levels, increased blood flow, being naked, seeing others naked - all can create an effect on the cock.

It's also agreed that no one should be embarrassed by a developing boner, and no one should judge a guy by assuming he's interested in hooking up. 


SickoRicko said...

Very accurate!

JeanWM said...

Age probably is a contributor. I've read here that everything can cause an erection. Probably a full moon. So a pleasurable shower is a good start on one. Hugs and bisons. Dear French Patrick be well.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

A boner IS a blessing, but not always an invitation, huh?


whkattk said...

@ Jean - LOL. It sure seems that way - even to us guys!

whkattk said...

@ Sixpence - Agreed. A boner - any boner - is a blessing, but it doesn't mean it's time for company. :-)

Xersex said...

I don't know from my experience!

Bruce Jensen said...

It is high time that society realized that an erection does not equal lust. An erection simply means a man is healthy. Bryn and I simply enjoy being naked. When we get home and strip off our dicks get hard. All it means is that we are de-stressing.

John said...

such a timely series of posts. Just last night we had our weekly men's nude yoga class. One of the guys was late so the rest of us were all on our mats facing each other. He came right through the center of the group to find a seat sporting a full erection, slightly covered up with his mat and blanket. No one even batted an eye, we just continued on with the poses and the instructor kept right with the flow.

Anonymous said...

Some of these photos I don't know about. I don't think I could lift weights and be under strain and still have an erection. I think my blood flow would be going to help my arms or leg muscles. Maybe someone more experienced and enlightened will have to show me how it is done. I certainly would enjoy learning more about it. In an ideal world there would be no awkwardness, but some guys think it is okay while others not so much?

Anonymous said...

One of the greatest of all misconceptions in the world of sex education and general sexual knowledge is that an erection on a male always means he wants sex right then or is thinking sexual thoughts right then or is in some way focusing on his genitals right then.....WRONG!

Want an example?: in 11th grade I was taking my final exam in trigonometry. Right in the middle of the exam, I sport a boner that wouldn't quit. I can assure you than when you are solving for the hypotenuse using the cotangent function in a word problem, that you are NOT thinking sexual thoughts. ( was a hard exam.)

whkattk said...

@ Anon, Feb 11 - Right you are. Boners happen when we least expect them and not from any sexual reason. It's simply the tissue needing blood oxygen to keep the organ healthy.