Well, look...the newness of the freedom to have sex 24/7 has it's advantages. Yeah, like a honeymoon. Some guys are just gonna want to take advantage of it and fuck like bunnies.
Consider this: There are hundreds of thousands of people out there alone who would just love to have company, would give anything to have their partner/spouse there; someone to talk to, to enjoy a meal, watch a movie or TV show together. Who would love to have a partner for sex and don't.
It's understandable that at some point the novelty wears off. Thus the saying, "The honeymoon is over." If you aren't into having sex whenever he gets a boner and wants to drop trou, you need to give him permission to "come out of the closet" regarding his masturbation.
And then join him when it feels right for you.
Quite a conundrum, and good advice.
Quarantine slows down and speeds up everything: and exacerbates problems if and when they exist!
That's right....enjoy!!!! But if the first picture of cock were in my presence during this, I'd be getting no rest either.
If he has not "slowed down at all", I consider it a false problem since she has lost nothing. And the use of the word "mess" seems excessive to me. If he added something more for himself, it would be better if he shared, but like I said, anyway she lost nothing.
Hugs and bisous my darlings Jean and Pat.
Good Advice. Thanks for all you do for us. Thank you also for your support on my blog about my "rants and unloving" : ) I appreciate you sticking up for me. Wishing you all the very best, my Dear Friend. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
Well, right now I'd like to have a man with that 'problem'. There's few things I like better than seeing a man hard...
Yes It’s hot! And it’s gonna stay that way on the East Coast. Happy July 14th Bastille Day
Hugs and Bisous.
I always like others... of course, I like being watched, too. I mostly jerk off at the prairie... and almost always when no one is looking. All day, I play with my dick, keeping it hard, showing it off. But when it comes time to let it fly? I am almost always alone.
I'm going to generalise here, but I think women do not understand how men are driven to sex by their biology but frustrated by women regulating access to that sex: given the opportunity, men will have much more sex than women expect (or want) themselves.
Over a period of time in a relationship, I believe the novelty of sex starts to decrease for women and consequently the opportunity for men to have sex also decreases. Given the constraints on men having as much sex as they want, due to regulation within the relationship and social and medical constraints on sex outside the relationship, men's drives are frustrated and redirected into masturbation and pornography. Given masturbation is not as satisfactory as sex (otherwise men would not bother pursuing sex), I believe there is a residual frustration in men's lives that they are required to suppress, but which eventually gets expressed in other ways, not to mention the taboos surrounding masturbation still being used to control that outlet too.
Covid-19 isolation merely increases opportunity for men to have the amount of sex they want but which has previously been suppressed in my opinion.
I think society needs to have a frank discussion about the different sexual needs of men and women and an appropriate solution to prevent relationship dis-harmony, instead of misunderstanding leading to regulation, suppression and social dis-harmony. We need to aim for a win-win solution, not a win-lose battle every time.
@ Anon - everything you said makes sense. The solution, IMO, is to cease pigeonholing sexuality. And more acknowledgment and full acceptance of masturbation. If a guy feels like jacking out a load, he shouldn't be made to feel as if he is "less than."
I read so many anecdotes of women being upset over male masturbation and pornography: it's like it is an affront to them, as though they should be enough; yet when challenged over providing access to more sex there is resistance and rejection because it is unwanted by the woman herself (ie she is taking men's biology personally as though it is a male want and insult to her, instead of a male drive that needs an outlet).
Our sex drives do ebb and flow over time. Hopefully we understand and accept that, from time to time, our partner's urges may not coincide with our own. If one of us needs to masturbate so be it. Enjoying our alone time can help us enjoy each other.
@ Bruce - right you are. The better we learn ourselves, the better we are with our partners/spouses. Enjoy alone! Enjoy together!
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