Tuesday, April 13, 2021

In All Reality


"I wrote in a few weeks ago about flirting with my gay friend and you and your readers suggested I go for it. Well holy shit! I called him Friday night and asked if we could hang out. I was nervous as hell but just thinking about seeing him naked made me get hard. I thought I would jizz my skivvies as my dad used to say or as my gramps used to put it cream my jeans. When I got to his place and had a drink and told him I wanted to see him naked. We dropped our pants on a count of 3. The minute I saw his dick I couldn't wait to see what it would feel like to touch it. I had such a great time and he didn't judge me at all. I have no interest in giving up women but you opened up a whole new world for me. Thank you so much!"

Thank you for writing in with the results. We're happy you found the courage to try something that interested you. To have that experience with a trusted friend probably helped you navigate. I dare say, it would've been much different with some random dude on a hook-up site or phone app.

In all reality, though, you opened the world yourself.


Mistress Maddie said...

In most cases, as with anything, all you can do is ask.

uptonking said...

Is that Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle I am hearing? Swelling up to the big chorus? Oh, yeah... A Whole New World, indeed.

Don said...

Jerking with a bud is part of being male, gay or straight. Is so fun and freeing.

William said...

Love these posts. Hope your day is sunny.

BatRedneck said...

'All things come naturally', one would say.
I am glad it all went down so smoothly for your correspondent and his friend.
(although I am questionning your last 'I dare say.../...' sentence, which I find a bit oriented :-)

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Always better with a friend, no?
Yay for him!


Your French Patrick said...

I'm not sure that this strategy is always efficient or good with everyone, but if and when it can work, it would be a shame to do without.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Bruce Jensen said...

The labels "heterosexual" and "homosexual" should be disregarded completely. A man is simply a man. You have discovered that seeking pleasure in the company of another man is possible. In fact it is empowering. You haven't changed who you are. Now you simply know yourself better.

whkattk said...

@ Bat - I hoped to indicate that his first experience had him in a more "safe" zone than if he'd hooked up with a stranger.

whkattk said...

@ Bruce - I agree 100%.

whkattk said...

@ Six - I think so. Safer, anyway.

PaulMmn said...

I'm glad your correspondent jumped in head first (so to speak) with his gay buddy, and had a wonderful time.

Dirty old pervert that I am, I have to ask-- did he end up doing things he'd told himself were off-limits and that he'd NEVER do, only to find himself doing them and having a great time?


JeanWM said...

There are plenty of people in the US who want to continue to label people, and they have voted in their legislators, and judges, to make that happen. If you want freedom you are going to have to vote for it.
Hugs and bisous.

Adam said...

What a great story! To the letter writer: thanks for sharing both the question and the result.

Anonymous said...

It's tragic that homophobia has conditioned men to believe they have only one viable option in expressing their maleness and that is with women (the ones who least understand what being male is all about).

Anonymous said...

The advantages of knowing someone who can guide you. TBH, in a saner society, it would've happened much earlier.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - You're correct. And right now it's the only weapon any of us have.

whkattk said...

@ Anon - I can't argue with that!