"It wouldn't bother me at all to have neighbors looking down on me while I'm naked and jerking off. Hell, I'd give them a real show. Parks, on the street driving, mens rooms, sometimes the more chance of someone seeing me the better."
Your message brings to mind the Urban Word of the Day, "Danger Wank." Essentially, it is deliberately masturbating in a place and at a time with the best chance of being "caught."
While that's not my thing, it won't bother me to have any neighbor seeing me naked. I have no reason to be ashamed. Yes, even if I were to get a hard-on. So what? I have a cock and that's what cocks do, right?
In fact, the yard guy has already come upon me floating in the pool sporting a boner. Didn't bother me. Didn't appear to bother him. He stood and we chatted for a few minutes and then he went on about his work.
"A reasonable expectation of privacy" means that even if they can see over the fence I have the right to do as I see fit. I think even a judge would say to them, "If you don't like it, don't look. Or put up window coverings."
For me, the issue is not needing to crane my head upwards just to see blue sky.
Hahaha true.
And you guys were there first, so there's that.
penis 24.7 in seattle and in chicago
Between "not hiding" and "showing exhibitionism", there is room.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Around the country plenty of folks have fought similar issues. Try Googling it, many city councils' transcripts would show these complaints. Hugs and bisous.
As a relatively pudic person, I tend not to 'expose' my nudity out of the comfort zones such as home, nudist beaches, cruising areas (obviously), etc
Probably because I never saw myself as an Apollo, LoL!
Still I believe that being naked in society should remain natural, as long as it feels appropriate which means consensual for starters.
As for your correspondent's testimony, it looks like he is more into showing off. Well... Go on, there's always someone who likes to peep :-)
I think consent remains important. As danger wanks go, I think its never a good idea to force our sexual proclivities on the unsuspecting or a stranger. I'm very careful at the prairie. As much as I enjoy being naked and showing off... I'm careful who I expose myself to. It has to be mutually agreed upon. So springing it on someone? Not cool.
Howdy from Seattle
Say I would look into the local laws. For the Solar collectors, and other sun access and height requirements etc. You may have a legal right to the sun shining on your site. They may not have a right to take your natural amenity. Dunno what the term is, but think sunshed, kinda like watershed.
If it leads to walls and such, have a fancy assed lawyer friend write an inquiry and officially request clarification on the subject. He/she should state, "The client is willing to sue the city or any of the home owners who will occupy the resulting units blocking the clients sun access." You can call the city planning office every day at the exact same time. (can you tell I am not working at the moment) Ask to talk to the head of the department each time. Go down the list of all the employees. Give them a call. All that buzz and bother, may just make them ask the contractors to reconsider blocking your sun access, just to get you off their backs.
Finally, failing that the lawyer should formally request clarification of the policy and how it meshes with national solar collector rights, for a probable court case. Pretend you are rich and would welcome nothing better than to raise holly stink...
Oooh, what fun!
I've read your blog daily for years. You have so many anonymous folks who read your blog every day, just like me. Maybe there are some lawyer lurkers on here, who would not mind doing this for you. They might even cherish it and the possibility of setting more legal president to the right to sunshine for home solar collectors or otherwise.
Act quickly
Here Here Pat!!!!
Have a good weekend...and I'll return next week!
"A real show", LMAO! 😜
@ Anon (Seattle) - Gosh, thanks for reading! And, I never considered the whole solar thing. Most houses adjoining that parcel do have solar...and wouldn't get much benefit of the sun is blocked out. Thanks for that tip! We'll use it!!
@ Jean - Yep, it's a very common complaint. Hugs and bisous.
@ Six - yes, we were. The first home here was built in 1989. We built ours in '98. XOXO
@ Upton
@ Bat
I totally agree with you guys. You each make a separate but valid point.
Nudity here in Portland is not illegal. However, wanking in public could get one arrested.
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