Friday, October 7, 2022

Could you? Would you?


It's October and time for Hallowe'en fun full of ghouls and ghosties. And with the weekend here, it's a perfect time to pick up a book.

My buddy is trying to resuscitate his paranormal humor trilogy with sales of the e-books ($4.99 - $5.99). Give them a try. They're quite fun.

Book 1: Get the e-book (Amazon)
Get the e-book (Barnes & Noble)

One reviewer said:

"If you want a book that will keep you smiling and even give you a few giggles out loud then go get this book. I promise you won't be disappointed."

Book 2: Get the e-book (Amazon)
Get the e-book (Barnes & Noble)

One reviewer said:

"As much as I enjoyed the first book, "Marvin's World of Deadheads," this one is more entertaining, and harder to put down."

Book 3: Get the e-book (Amazon)
Get the e-book (Barnes & Noble)

One reviewer said:
"Nathan’s character was crafted right down to the way he spoke, his actions, and his quirks, regardless of what body he was in. Atreides is a master at this, and it just adds to the richness of the other characters: a quirky Tommy, a brash Jenna, and a snarky Marvin played out to the very last lines of the book."

Even if you don't read, could you help him out and buy them to revive sales?

They really are quite fun. 

If you have a blog of your own, could you --- would you--- help promote them?


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG fun!
I think I have a gift card for Amazon somewhere. I'll try and find it.


Hooter from Owls Rest said...

This past summer I spent many evenings reading and rocking on my front porch naked. It was very relaxing. I now do it in bed as the weather is turning colder.

uptonking said...

Love that last photo. And I will take a look. I have a kindle.

whkattk said...

@ Six - Oh, please! That would be wonderful. I promise you'll like it. XOXO

whkattk said...

@ Hooter - I hope that means you'll buy them and read!

whkattk said...

@ Upton - Thank you! They're pretty fast reads - all 3!

Big Dude said...

A man should read even when his hard cock is standing up demanding attention. Don't you think?

whkattk said...

@Big Dude - I'd say so. There are plenty of guys who do both! 😁

Xersex said...

love these reading guys!

Anonymous said...

Hey any thoughts on why some guys balls are tight vs low hangers? Mine have always been high and tight even as I pass middle age. Not that I care, mine are plenty big just like to be tight…what’s the difference? Thanks