Friday, January 12, 2024

Co-ed Groups

 Good Morning.

Happy Friday.

"I guess I'm what some people call an incel cuz all I ever done was jack off at home. I'm just shy really and never knew how tro talk to people so I thought maybe a jack off group might help me meet people. it turned out to be all guys which was fine I guess but I want to meet some girls. are there any where women are there too?"

While there are female groups out there, the ones for men are certainly more prolific. Men are more apt to join in on circle jerks because men masturbate more than women and are more open about it these days. Even a lot of straight dudes attend masturbation groups.

Co-ed group masturbation? Evidently. Though you are still likely to find more men than women in attendance.

You could also consider a swinger's club where consensual heterosexual activity takes place. Those are in pretty much every major city. might be a place for you to start a search for something in your area. Or, as I've suggested to guys who don't find a group in their arer: start one.

Regardless of what type of group you decide on, remember to always play safe. While jack-off groups typically don't allow anything more than lending a hand, swinger's clubs even allow penetration.

Make sure they have a supply of condoms --- or take some with you.

In other words...

Have a great weekend!


Your French Patrick said...

Happy Friday.
Hugs and kisses for a wonderful weekend, my darlings Jean and Pat.
I hope you entered 2024 on the right foot.

SickoRicko said...

What an interesting question, and what a thorough answer. Have a good weekend!

nakedswimmer said...

That's not what an incel is.

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Getting on line can be a good place to meet people to jerk off with. It makes talking easier at first since it is not face to face.You can get to know each other some and that might help your confidence.

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Big Dude- Thank you for the complement you gave me a few days back. Keep putting yourself out there.

Noahbodyx said...

Really enjoyed reading about this and loved the photos.
Hot stuff!
Hope he finds what he’s looking for
And enjoys himself along the way.

JeanWM said...

No stupid questions here. Ever. And every time the questions get answered, we learn something new every time.

Finally the Weeknd, enjoy, hugs and bisous.

Noahbodyx said...

The guy with the coffee mug is really cute.
(And hard).

Anonymous said...

Incel is short for involuntary celibate and can take very dangerous turns. There was a case several yrs ago where an Incel drove a van down the sidewalk in a major city killing and maiming innocent people. It's a dangerous movement whose members blame society, and especially women they call "Karens", for their virginity or lack of sex and externalize their self-loathing outwards onto innocent bystanders.

Anonymous said...

When I started cumming my friend started a circle jerk club, it was nice

Noahbodyx said...

Strangely the meaning of the term incel has changed quite a bits since it’s was termed in the 90s.
Originally it was an all inclusive term which included people who were just shy and didn’t have sex or relationships for many reasons. But its current meaning is widely known to mean angry men who blame women for their not having sex or being in relationships. And some of these men get so angry they turn to violence.
Many of them might be surprised it was termed by a bisexual woman.
Oh the humanity.

Anonymous said...

Women are more into intimacy, which tends to exclude multiple participants, because ultimately their focus is on children and a nuclear family.

Men's focus is on sexual enjoyment, which gives them more options for its expression as it doesn't really matter who or what stimulates those erotic senses.

The Kinsey scale has exclusive heterosexuality and exclusive homosexuality at each end, but a spectrum of mixes of the two inbetween. It could be interpreted, that unless you are exclusively heterosexual, every man has some attraction to men, no matter how small and even if you only had a 1% attraction to men, it would mean sex with a man for every 100 experiences of sex.

If you want guaranteed sex with women, hire a prostitute, otherwise its much more complicated navigating the field to convince a woman to consent to have sex with especially an introverted and inexperienced man and particularly if they do not meet that woman's criteria. There are a lot of conditions that have to be met to have sex with women and I'm not sure the juice is worth the squeeze these days because of the potential for false rape charges or baby trapping, destroying your life.

Xersex said...

Masturbation reveals the difference in men's approach to sex compared to women! for men everything is more natural...

nakedswimmer said...

*Stacy, not Karen.