Monday, February 19, 2024

It's Really Weird

Good Morning.

It's President's Day in the U.S. It's really weird how we jumped from #44 to #46.


Here are the Monday Giggles.

A big

Thank You to Bruce and Bryn

for helping to bolster the que.


Bruce Jensen said...

Mondays can be tiresome. A giggle or two can change our perspective. I just know that the cartoon of the rodeo bull in the chute is going to pop into my head a few times this week....and I will be sharing it with a few people.

Thanks, Pat!


Your French Patrick said...

I like the four photos with dogs and especially the one that says "Shut up!"

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a wondrous day followed by a wondrous week.

SickoRicko said...

Thanks for the Monday chuckles.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG the Grindr exchange!
If a man would write like that, it'd be briefs off in a second.


Mistress Maddie said...

Im behind the 8 balls today!!!!

The dogs one had me roaring!!!!

JeanWM said...

Another great Monday full of funnies. It’s hard to pick one that was the funniest, what a good way to start the week with a good laugh. Hugs and bisous.

Xersex said...

happy new week all!