Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Unrestricted Cock

There are conflicting theories on exactly how this new policy will work. Some believe that a monthly renewal will be required in order to access adult-content blogs. I think that once you've joined, you've joined and your access will be unrestricted. (Unrestricted cock - I like that thought.) I guess we'll find out when it happens.
I can't believe story this hasn't hit the national mainstream media yet. After all, restricting free access is a form of censorship (key word, free).
Some of my fellow Bloggers are opting to continue after the policy goes into effect. I think that's great - especially for those whose posts are strictly photos. But, for those of us who feel we offer some kind of educational service to the (adult) general public will be "screwggled" big time. Mainly because the casual (surfing) reader will not be able to see the information we post.
But, in the meantime, I'll be posting as usual and including all the graphic images of cock that Google deems offensive to the entire adult public. And, with that said...


Ben said...

Thank you for continuing to offend us :-) with your disgusting photos :-))

The story has reached the mainstream press in the UK:

Xersex said...

this is my point of view!!!

Your French Patrick said...

I see that you still are enjoying sweet dreams and great hopes, and I am very sad to awake you.
If the blog is "private" nobody can see something on it, as well visitors, followers or search engine. Except you, obviously, and your invited (for one month) readers.

If you would want to change your options in your settings to make your blog private by yourself, you'll see that there are only 3 options:
a) Blog readers: anybody
b) Blog readers: only blog authors.
c) Blog readers: only these readers. (ie only those that you accept, only those that you invite for one month by entering their mail address, and only if they accept). It's clear that when I have started to follow you I was welcome, but you have never said to Blogger "I accept french-patrick).


If not, I invite you to read:

It's as simple as that: what want Google is to ban nudity of all their plateforms, Blogger being the last one to "clean". Its President has said:
I have nothing against porn and nudity, I only don't want that it comes from us.

Clear? If not, I give up and let you go on dreaming.

Anyway, for the moment I wish you a wondrous day with so many kisses as you want except those that I will need to save to console you when you will be disappointed.

Xersex said...

@ Patrick

so ... what are you proposing or what are you going to do?

Xersex said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Your French Patrick said...

Postscriptum: I wrote: It's clear that when I have started to follow you I was welcome, but you have never said to Blogger "I accept french-patrick" I add that it was not necessary because you were accepting anybody and I was one thes "anybody". If the blog is private it's no more "anybody", it's nobody, and I become one of these "nobody". Except if, by exception, you invite me.

Your French Patrick said...

@ Xersex:
The only one up to now who I know and who has well understood is AOM.

Do the same thing that him: Stop your blogger and keep it only to give your new address to all those who will visit it up to the dead line.

And from now on do everything on your Tumblr.
Or elsewhere, but I wrote what follow on the last post of the previous AOM's blog:
The perfect solution would have been to create a real Website, but it is easier to say than to make.
When Yahoo bought Tumblr they promised to change nothing as regards the porn, but they did not say until when. And before, they destroyed blogs which they reserved (bravo for the apartheid) to the homosexuals. For the moment the porn videos are the only thing forbidden.
Wordpress is less made constipated at the level of the medulla oblongata than the staff of Google (to whom Blogger belongs).
By the way, I wonder how they were able to write their message by holding their pair of underpants with both hands so as to show no nudity.
Wordpress say that "all kind of nudity is welcome." But we cannot "post sexual materials that can be considered pornographic, such as images or video of explicit sexual acts or close-up images of genitalia".
Bisous, my friend. Courage.

Unknown said...

Not sure what to do.

Mistress Maddie said...

I wouldn't mind being in the middle of some of those pictures right now.

Jean said...

Daily Mail seems to want to take some credit for this. Scroll down for the "Comment" section.

Jean said...

Daily Mail seems to want to take some credit for this. Scroll down for the "Comment" section.

Your French Patrick said...

@ Xersex,
I made a test: My blog @ is now "private".
Thus, please:
1°) Try to open it and tell me if (having been kind and friendly enough to follow it) you can enter in it.
2°) Note the last post received by you with "Friend connect" as a follower (for instance by downloading it) and see 24 hours after if the newer posts have been added or not.
So we will know soon and it will be clear in our minds.
Don't forget to tell us what happened.
I'll be happy if I was wrong.
Bisous, my friend.

JiEL said...

Why GOOGLE is doing all this «clean up»...

Your French Patrick said...

Xersex has just confirmed me that now that my blog is in private he cannot enter my blog in spite of the fact that he is one of its subscriber.
I published a post just now so that it is not necessary to wait 24 hours.
Within one hour he will can tell me if the fact of being a subscriber serves at least to receive the posts by Friend Connect or if that is absolutely of no use.
As regards the guests, Blogger don't give the mail adress of the owner of the blog to allow somemebody to ask to be invited.
Not only that limits us to the small number of e-mail address that we know in advance, but in more the invitations must be every month renewed, thus it is not viable.

O!Daddie said...

I read the Daily Mail article via the link posted by JiEL above and now fully understand and support the 'crackdown'.

Apparently, 'WE THE PEOPLE"- some of us anyway, fuck it up for the rest of us by posting revenge porn, private pics hacked from celebs' accounts, child porn, etc, etc.

I anticipate that all the other free blogging sites will follow suit and I'll have to find another hobby. ☺☺☺

Your French Patrick said...

Somebody asked how can he import his Blogger in Tumblr.
I answered:
"Read that:
For more if it’s not enough type “import blogger to tumblr” in the search bar of your navigator.
I found also this tool, but I have never used it:
Notice that if I didn't try, it's only because there are on my blogger heavy GIF which are not readable on Tumblr.

Your French Patrick said...

@ O!Daddie now at

A regards me, better die than support Blogger.

You confuse "pretext" and "motive".
All the more than it's something that Google started before these events.
You are right, those who posted revenge porn, private pics, etc. are guilty.
Yes, them, but no no no, not the nude pictures. Or why not suppress Blogger or even the Web?

In the same way, if I kill somebody whith a knife, who is guilty? Me or the knife?

It's funny, because on the start of the Middle Age in France
when they could not find a culprit, they hung his weapon and the case was closed, justice was done.
The next day the culprit could show up and declare to anybody that he was guilty without risking anything.

Best regards, my friend.

a{GAY}tekeeper{iam} said...

thank you