Monday, May 25, 2015

Take a Moment

Today, in the U.S., is Memorial Day. The day we remember and honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the rest of us - the ones who didn't make it back, who did not return to enjoy the freedom of expression, things like this blog. 


Take a moment during whatever festivities you've planned to remember and say thank you.


Xersex said...

love all the pics!

Unknown said...

LEST WE FORGET. Great honour to the fallen and to all those who fought that we might know freedom!

Unknown said...

By the way, there are some "MEN IN ACTION" on my other blog! I think you will enjoy! Hugs, This Old Lord!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you again for your service. Jean

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the inspiring post. Loved the pictures and the message. Hope you got lots more responses than the few that show here.

SickoRicko said...

Very moving headstone.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - You're welcome. :-)

whkattk said...

@ Anon - I typically get more comments when there is an informative - or controversial - post. But, I appreciate ALL the comments and emails I get here. They not only inspire me, they let me know if I'm doing my job, which is to pass on valuable information to keep the Male Package healthy, get people to think of them as natural, normal, and something to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

As a vet I say thank you for your call to remembrance of our fallen brothers.

whkattk said...

@ Anon - You're welcome. It's important to remember all the men and women who lost their lives defending our rights.