Thursday, September 22, 2016

Time With Your Cock

Blogger buddy AOM has posted the most beautiful sets today. All about taking time to love yourself. This is a very important function of the learning process of sex. The better lover we are to ourselves,
the better we will be with a partner.

So, follow his instructions... Take an hour (or more) today, or as soon as you are able, and enjoy the sensations of your body. As AOM says, "Love yourself."
 Savor time with your cock.








Have an extra-special day.



"Have an extra-special day", you too, mon chéri, with lots of bisous to spice it up, even if I wonder if "extra-special" is quite the good word as regards something that as for me, and, I bet it, yourself, we have both already done very often.

As for me what would be the most "extra-special" is certainly not self-loving but... Jean-loving, even if it was only in dreams. Bisous, my dearest Jean.

Unknown said...

Great advice! Great images! Thanks for your visits and comments. Numbers seem to vary a lot recently! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Delighted to have inspired your post. Thanks so much for the lovely shout out. Thank for all the good things you bring into my life. Wishing you a beautiful self-loving day! Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

SickoRicko said...

Extra-terrific post! I hope you are well my friend.

Mistress Maddie said...

Boy, I don't think I could possibly love myself anymore. I some days now need an intervention.

JeanWM said...

Sorry to miss the blog on enlarged prostate. This new procedure sounds promising. I wonder if the insurance companies will start to insist that it is used to save money. Wasn't impotence a big issue with surgery too? There are a lot of dollars spent for health care when you have surgery. It will be hard for the folks who profit to give it up..Big dollars since there are so many baby boomers now, with this issue.

The old saying if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Now we have a screw.

At least today's blog tells us to leave all that behind and indulge in our own pleasure. They tell you on the plane in an emergency to put the O2 mask on yourself first. Good advise if you want to be a better lover. Bisous!