"My son came to me with a small blue-purple bruise on the shaft. It looked like a broken vein or blood vessel. Is this something to worry about?"
The cock is full of veins and vessels.
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These can break open and leave bruising just as any others in the body. So, yeah, it happens. There are numerous reasons we break the veins or vessels along the penis. Typically, this is from too rigorous activity. But, doctors report that the majority of injuries to our prized possession are due to masturbation.
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We just simply go at it too vigorously.
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Guys have popped the dorsal vein, too, which can develop a blue or purple lump - sometimes painful, sometimes not. These all heal - but, sadly, it takes abstaining to allow the pooled blood to be absorbed and the vein to heal.
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It's not anything to really worry about, if it's an isolated incident. If it continues to occur you might want to take him to his doctor.
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In the meantime, I'm going to suggest you get him some type of lube and tell him to use it generously when he jacks off.
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And tell him to use a lighter grip (the lube will help with that). If he's cut, the hand should slide along the shaft more than pulling the skin along it.
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And, for cryin' out loud, tell him to slow down!
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That chart was very informative!
Taking a day off today, so much to get done after the Christmas rush! Yes! The year is almost over. I scheduled something for Monday! But for me it will be more or less like any other day. Our city is all prepared for a possible terrorist attack, as big crowds gather to watch the fireworks, which are famous. Thanks for all your visits and comments. Will I continue posting next year???? Probably!
Yes, the son may have "just simply go at it too vigorously", but also maybe too often. He can also have masturbated himself after having stuck his cock between his thighs before the erection. He can also have tried to introduce his sex into his own anus. The fact that the father ask you the question, it's well, your answers being full of wisdom and well documented. As for me, I would immediately have brought my son at an urologist, it is what we must do when we have health concerns, even small, when it comes to the willy. Not that the urologist's answer would have been better than your opinion, but because it would have more quickly been obtained.
Love, hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
always so helpful you are!!!
It's great that his son can come to him with these things. It's why I'm so open with my own sons. I want them to know they can talk to me about anything. - Dad
Yeah, it can happen. Most guys that age would just spend all day shooting their wad if they could. It isn't anything out of the ordinary.
That said, if it happens, you need medical attention right away. And don't euphemize it: My neighbor called 911 on her husband for his "head injury", and you can imagine how confused they were when they got there.
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