With so much important information that we guys really should know... Is it appropriate to strike up conversations? You bet. Particularly with younger guys. It's not just a plethora of STDs they'll face, so there's more to say than "Wrap that sucker! Use condoms!"
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Those bits dangling between our legs - well, they dangle most of the time once we've gotten past puberty - are extremely complex. We can actually see only about half of the entire cock. And we get so wrapped up in what's on the outside that we totally ignore what's under that soft, sensitive skin, and behind the pubic bone.
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Every once in a while, it's important to think about not just what but how these things operate; why they do the things they do. Why are my balls suddenly so swollen and aching so bad?
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Could be a number of things. Could be you're just horny. Could be Blue Balls. Could be Prostatitis. Could be, could, be could be.
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I've done everything! Why won't this boner go away?
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Could be an overly-active libido due to extremely high Testosterone levels. Could be Priapism. Could be an infection irritating the prostate and surrounding nerve bundle.
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Son-of-a-bitch! Why can't I get it up?
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Could be you need a change in stimulus. Could be medication. Could be...
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I really need to cum. Shit! why can't I cum?
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Could be medication; prescribed, or OTC. Could be a blockage from a prostate infection. Could be...
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Talk, folks. Communicate. Stop being so... whatever it is that stops you from discussing the equipment we all have, and how it functions.
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It really is okay to talk about cock.
Everything you said in today's post is exactly right. An important thing that all guys should be able to do..is to be totally open with your doctor about your Dick. If you are uncomfortable talking to your doctor, then you need to find a new doctor.
"Could be an overly-active libido due to extremely high Testosterone levels. "
not in my case, my blood examitations told me an average level of testosterone. so WHY DO I THINK SO MYCH TO SEX????
I think for many guys the problem is that they don't have a good buddy or two that they can share these things. Fortunately the internet can allow for the cultivation of some friendships where these topics can be discussed freely without being considered gay or weird etc.
Very good synthesis of the main problems. An exhaustive list would have been boring because, alas, their number is vertiginous.
Its with lots of bisous that I wish you a wondrous restful and joyous weekend, mon chéri, as well as to our fabulous Jean.
Thanks for everything that you do! Great post as always! Trust you will have a restful weekend!
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