Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Inspect It

You know yours, don't you? You think you're familiar with it; all of it. But do you really?
Sure, when you piss, you know if something doesn't feel quite right.
You know the heavy feeling in the balls; that sensation telling you it's time - or past time.

You know it's moods.

But when was the last time you hauled it all out to inspect it?
Movember is about more than the balls. It's about the whole package.
Cancer can strike the penis. It's rare, but it can and does happen. That tiny bump that has been there for weeks, that "freckle" that appeared one day and, oddly, has grown, could be penile cancer. 

So, I want you guys to get a hand mirror - or stand in front of a mirror - and take a good close look. 
Inspect it tip to base.

Better to find it early than lose a hunk of it.
I'm taking the rest of the week off to prepare for Thanksgiving. We're hosting this year so there is a lot of prep to do.
Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. readers.


SickoRicko said...

Very good post to leave us with while you prepare of the day of eating too much!

Have a good one!

SickoRicko said...

Very good post to leave us with while you prepare for the day of eating too much!

Have a good one!


Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. friends, starting by Jean and yourself, obviously.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings.

Xersex said...

#2 Pavel Novotny!!!

Unknown said...

Wonderful advice as always! Very Happy Thanksgiving!

JeanWM said...

Thank you this Thanksgiving for all your great posts.

Everybody needs to check themselves closely, a friend thought he had a new freckle, but it turned out to be a tick!!!
Happy Holiday! Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

I've actually become the "inspection guy". It started with one growth at the base of a friend's penis. (It was just a pimple.) Since I've jerked with a lot of them, I had to make it clear "Okay, this time, I'm using gloves. And you won't be shooting."

But I can say, you have to be careful with ddx. Cancer of the penis is way down on the chart; it's just that rare. And with the HPV vaccine approved for males, at least some penile cancers will soon be eradicated. So, see a doctor, but don't stress too much.