Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Sexual Recession

In the midst of Flower Power of the 60s and 70s, sex was open and free and frequent with many different partners. Today there's a sexual recession going on. At least according to multiple studies. Not just in the U.S., either. Countries like Sweden, who have prided themselves on their openness regarding sex as a natural, normal, healthy part of life, recently launched their first study in 20 years. Wow. What is going on?
As usual, there are the typical "it's because of easy access to porn" detractors - those who blame everything on internet pornography. But, studies have found that the internet in general has played a part in the decline - phones, tablets, social media. Even hook-up sites have reported a decline (evidently, Match does a continual study) in reported sex.

It's a very complicated issue. There are more things going on than any sociologist or psychologist can easily point a finger at. One very interesting finding is the shift away from sexual relationships appears "to be accelerating amid the national reckoning with sexual assault and harassment, and a concomitant shifting of boundaries. According to a November 2017 Economist/YouGov poll, 17 percent of Americans ages 18 to 29 now believe that a man inviting a woman out for a drink “always” or “usually” constitutes sexual harassment. (Among older groups, much smaller percentages believe this.)" [From a lengthy article by Kate Julian in The Atlantic.]
The fervency of the #metoo movement was bound to have consequences. Not that we shouldn't have the conversation - we should, and a very in-depth one. But, we also have to bear in mind that humans are sexual beings. We may not be partnering up as much, but we're satisfying the urges that nature has embedded in us. That, too, is recognized as people have become more accepting of masturbation in general. Twenty years ago we were still tittering over masturbation. Now, it's an acceptable subject on prime-time television.

As one (single) friend put it during conversation about the situation, "It's a lot less messy to just go home and jerk off.... And, in many ways, more satisfying, too."

He also admitted he had a small circle of friends who occasionally get together.
What's your take on #metoo and the "sex recession?"


Xersex said...

I'm too into gay sex, and I can't say anything!

Anonymous said...

If for any reason I should be alone again I'd continue what I've been doing for at least 20* years. Masturbation. LOTS of masturbation. At 78 my libido is still in overdrive. Wife wasn't too keen on sex before her hysterectomy. There are women and not a few women who would be happy to oblige. The possible consequences just are not worth a roll in the hay. The backlash didn't come as a surprise. Maybe I'd consider following your friends example with a group of like minded men. That might be fun.

Unknown said...

Hi! Worst storm here in over 40 years! Men & women masturbating seems to be much more accepted these day. Do while you can, where you can and when you can!!!!!

JeanWM said...

According to a November 2017 Economist/YouGov poll, 17 percent of Americans ages 18 to 29 now believe that a man inviting a woman out for a drink “always” or “usually” constitutes sexual harassment. (Among older groups, much smaller percentages believe this.)"

I have trouble with that statement, because it says nothing about the relationship of the man and the woman. Is the man her boss? Is she single or married? If they’re just acquaintances, how does that constitute harassment unless the woman has already said before that she was not interested.

What I do know of mens’ behavior is that they don’t seem to have any trouble with how to conduct themselves with their mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers. This is not some great mystery.

Mistress Maddie said...

I think everyone is worried about catching std's.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Well,I don't see the #metoo movement tied to the 'sex recession'. #metoo is about accountability and the 'sex recession' is more due to individual preferences. Gen Z is different to the Millennials, but they share that individualistic core that may have driven many to just stay home and fap...

sfp777 said...

There is so much misinformation and so many bogus products surrounding penis enlargement that when they discover the solution, no one will believe. So here goes; any male can permanently increase length and girth in the same way a bodybuilder adds mass and becomes larger. As you stress tissue, the body goes into a natural process of creating new cells making you larger. The question is not whether permanent enlargement is possible but instead, how do you safely stress penile tissue to promote cell growth? The answers can be found at MagnumRings.com

Anonymous said...

There's a huge difference between making a video of yourself masturbating and putting it on PornHub, and doing the same and sending it to a random woman.

The issue is, context is everything. Inviting girl you barely know to coffee shop, green light. Bar, yellow light. Drink in your hotel room, flashing red light. Coworker or ESPECIALLY someone who works under you, same thing.

Carl Miller Daniels said...

Hello bigwhackattack,
Gorgeous blog you've got here! Clever name, too! Enjoying all my visits.
I'm thinking maybe you'd like my blog--it's https://carlmillerdaniels.blogspot.com/.
Lots of my own homoerotic poems there, lots of hot photos and videos too. (Some of those photos I recently got from your blog.)
Anyhow, hope you'll take a peek at my blog.
Best wishes,
Carl Miller Daniels

whkattk said...

@ Carl - I tried to respond to you in a comment on your blog...but the widget there wouldn't work. So, I'll respond here in hopes you'll come back and see it. I've added a link to your blog to my Blog Roll.