Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Hand Doesn't Do It


"I'm a straight dude and been reading your blog for maybe a month. The covid thing has really got me frustrated. I'm so tired bating and my hand just ain't doing it for me anymore. It's like I'm walking around with a hard-on all the time because even after I cum I'm still horny as fuck. What are other guys doing?"

It sounds like what is happening is that your orgasms are not sufficiently satisfying. It happens, even when we aren't locked out of person-to-person touch. The stronger the ejaculation, the more the release leaves us feeling satisfied.

Sex toys for men are as common now as vibrators have been for women. Men no longer have reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed of having one. There is such a variety of masturbation sleeves to choose from.

The most popular - - by far - - is the FleshJack. 
Get one, wedge it between couch cushions, or between pillows. I suggest that because it will deliver sensations that are closest to thrusting penetrative sex...which is what your body is missing.

If you can't get a masturbation sleeve, whether due to embarrassment or cost, you can build your own. All you need is a small towel, small sheet of bubble wrap, and rubber bands. And some type of lube (coconut oil is pretty popular these days). Lay the towel over the sheet of bubble wrap, roll it up leaving a tunnel for your boner, twist one end closed, tie it all up with the rubber bands, and voila! You have a masturbation sleeve.

Let's see what other guys are doing and using.
What can you suggest, Readers?


Don said...

I bought a masturbation sleeve inexpensive. Don’t have to pay $75 or so for one that works. Damn it is fun for this single old guy. Love this blog!

Mistress Maddie said...

WelL I have to say, jacking off and the flesh jack help me plenty...but when I'm really horny I have taken to a dildo, which I don't mind bottoming, but I don't enjoy it as much as topping. But with the added dildo in back, the ejaculation's have been insane. Cam sessions have saved me too.

SickoRicko said...

I don't know about other toys, but the FleshJack is very fabulous IMHO.

Anonymous said...

For straight guys, you'll probably want to check out Fleshlight for the female anatomy he's probably looking for. And yes, I've found Fleshlights, warmed up in very warm water, to be closest to the real thing. Wedging this at the edge of the bed mattress will allow you to tease it and ram it till you can't take it another second.

Hot guys said...

I'd suggest opening up to people and falling in love, instead. Think you'd feel much better to have actual sex with someone you love than to use rubber. I mean, if you're good enough for someone, of course. 🙂

AOM SoulFood said...

Great advice, bro. Definitely find ways to change it up. Change place, change atmosphere, change positions, add toys, add lube, find a private place outside, get creative, add a variety of techniques and add some spice. I hope all is going well with you my Dear Friend. Wishing you all the very best. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

William said...

I'm guessing this guy is just pumping them out, rather than taking time to explore his body and savor the different sensations. He should look into mindful masturbation to deepen and expand his horizons as to what masturbation can be. Toys are also a fun way to add variety to the experience.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I didn't know you were this crafty, Big!


Anonymous said...

Maybe he needs to learn to edge?

Anonymous said...

Anon friend here - I don't really believe a toy is necessary for men to have fun. These days toys are mass produced, but what did men do before all these things? You and your blog has been an encouragement to me as a single man learning to accept and enjoy ME and MY body. I'm thinking one of best, interesting, and most unique "toys" is our male sex organs! They don't need batteries or replaceable inserts.

Anonymous said...

Another option is to explore other forms of sexual stimulation and pleasure, such as prostate massage as espoused on the Aneros Forum https://www.aneros.com/community/forum/ : the orgasms possible via other avenues than penis stimulation can be quite different, sometimes more intense and sometimes multiple, although they don't necessarily include ejaculation.

It's not gay to enjoy other forms of sexual self-stimulation.

Anonymous said...

He needs to realize that there are -other- parts of his body that have lots of nerve endings that can provide stimulation! If he's willing to experiment, a dildo can widen his, uh, horizons! (:

He didn't mention anything about 'stimulating literature.' Reading
along doesn't change the action, but can provide more mental
stimulation-- that can help avoid boredom.

Xersex said...

if you can, try to have sex with healthy people, COVID free---

Adults Products said...

Thanks for sharing. Use sex toys online in upcoming posts.