Thursday, March 4, 2021

No Brainer


The day in bed helped. I think I slept away the majority of the past 24 hours. The arm still hurts a little bit and the rest of the muscles in my body.... I don't know how to describe it. 

But the effects have to be wearing off at least somewhat --- a

sort-of morning boner greeted me today.

Thank you for all the comments. I am not looking forward to what the 2nd dose will cause. But, as Jean said, these will keep me "out of the hospital and off a ventilator. No brainer."

It's best to react like this:

And go about the day as best as possible.

If I feel too tired, I can always go back to bed.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you mostly slept through the first day. Please continue to take it easy for a few more days so your body can continue to supercharge your immune system. Yes, the reaction to the second dose is likely to be much more intense so try to schedule in advance the ability to take a few days off (at least) so you can rest and recuperate. And yes, getting the vaccine is a no brainer. Even after getting both doses, please continue to wear masks in public and socially distance as the variants are out there and we don't know how well the vaccines protect against them. Wishing you well! Andy

SickoRicko said...

Jean is a wise person. Let it roll off of your shoulders have a good day.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Glad you're feeling better! And those two illustrations kinda did it for me. I want a huge painting of naked man in my living room. One day, I'll have it.
And naked men wearing glasses? Yes, please.


Xersex said...

sure you can go to bed. Relax and sleep as much as possible!

uptonking said...

You take it easy. Drink lots of water... fluids. Flush your system. Wishing you all the best. And don't borrow trouble... it will come to find you when the time comes :) So, no worries. Just rest and recover!

Your French Patrick said...

It was predictable and expected that there are some painful days to go through. If you already have less pain in your arm, that's very encouraging. I can only wish you that these bad days will be as few as possible.
And that the second injection will be much less unpleasant, which would seem logical to me.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

PaulMmn said...

You may want to let the medical community know of your reaction, especially with your medical history. They may want to add MD to the list of 'cautionary' conditions.

--Paul E Musselman

JeanWM said...

Yes, You are forgiven every transgression when you are recovering from a vaccine shot.

You deserve all of our thanks because you will be improving our chances of not catching this until we are vaccinated.
And the less Transmission means the less crazy Covid that gets spawned into variants.
So enjoy yourself, you surely will be feeling much better tomorrow. Our turn is coming.
Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Six - Many artists sell prints of their paintings, at very affordable prices. One wall of our bedroom is the "nude wall" - male and female. Gets lots of compliments from folks who get the house tour when they first visit. XOXO

whkattk said...

@ MFP - Oddly enough, the side effects of the 2nd are worse. Much worse. But, I'm sure I'll make it through. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Paul - I signed up for the post-vaccine survey. The dumbest thing about it: They don't ask if you have any underlying conditions. They won't be able to track any specifics.