Tuesday, March 2, 2021

First Dose


Well, I'm off to get my first dose. So, in the interest of saving time, I shall leave you with more photos from Phil.


Xersex said...

ddi you get your pfI4€r vaccine?

Your French Patrick said...

Very nice selection of photos of Phil. Anyway, all his photos are very beautiful, so it was not likely to be otherwise.
As for your vaccine, did you know that there is now one without storage problem and which only requires one injection?

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Good luck!
It's great you've got a slot. Here in Illinois I have no idea when we're getting it.
Love the pics...


JiEL said...

Good news for you.
I did have a appointment to have my first vaccine shot on March 12 at 13h40.
They're going by ages and the 80's and more were vaccinated beginning yesterday here in Montreal.
As I'm 70 yo, it's now my turn and so happy to be able to have my first shot.

In province of Quebec, they doing 250 000 shots per week.

whkattk said...

@ Xersex - Moderna.

whkattk said...

MFP - They just began shipping the J&J vaccine yesterday. I ended up with the Moderna, and will get my secodn dose at the end of the month.

whkattk said...

@ Six - That's the same boat my wife is in.... Still no idea when she'll be able to get her vaccine. Maybe by the time they get to her, it will be the single dose J&J.

whkattk said...

@ JiEL - Excellent! I hope they keep moving along quickly.

William said...

Hope you have no reactions to the vaccine. I know it varies from person to person. My wife had the Moderna shot and had a very sore arm the next day. I had the Pfizer and had no reaction.

Thanks for the shout-out to Phil. I miss him and his daily posts dearly. He always had the most beautiful pictures.

JeanWM said...

Announcement today by President Biden a joint venture by Johnson and Johnson and Merck.
Merck will contribute two manufacturing plants to J&J for vaccine production. That is the one and done version.
Biden says this means there will be enough vaccine for every adult in the US by the end of May. Great news and great photos.

Hugs and bisous.

uptonking said...

Artsy. Good luck. Hope all goes well and there are no side effects. Let us know which one you got! How fun. Keep a diary.

Anonymous said...

Were you Pfizered?

I believe that Roger Pharmaceuticals want to distribute a vaccine too. ;-)

Phil’s friend David said...

Thank you for continuing to remember and honor Phil.