Monday, October 26, 2015

Under the Weather

I'm feeling a bit - as we say - "under the weather."
Hope to be back tomorrow.
In the meantime, I plan to take it easy...










...and wait for my body to let me know I'm back to 100%


Anonymous said...

Hey Brother, sorry to hear you are a bit under the weather. I'm sending you postivie vibes, chicken noodle soup, hugs and strokes to you in spirit. Take it easy and get well soon. Hugs and Strokes, AOM

miracleman said...

Hey, get well soon. Hope you're feeling better already.

Your French Patrick said...

If you are feeling a bit - as we say - "under the weather.", I can only hope that you'll feel - as I don't know if we can say so - "above the weather" soon, my dear Pat.
Bisous, my heart. Have a great tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Take care my friend! Nothing wrong with these guys! A friend had surgery for stomach cancer yesterday. Hugs, Patrick

SickoRicko said...

Yes, take it easy, take your time; get better soon!

Mistress Maddie said...

Thank you for your very flattering birthday wishes!!!! Hope you feel better. Take it easy. Shall I come give you a nice rub???

Anonymous said...

Take care and get well. William

JeanWM said...

Hope you are feeling better. I think with change of weather on East Coast lots of folks with colds!

Xersex said...

best wishes!!!!

whkattk said...

@ MFP - I think it is termed "on top of the weather." So, "above" works as well. Merci, mon ami!

whkattk said...

@ mistress - I would positively love that, you know I would!

Your French Patrick said...

And, probably, between one and the other, we are "in the middle of the weather" or more simply "in the weather", right?.
Warm bisous. Warmer than the weather.