"Consider me one of your straight readers who never comments. I'm here for the information not the pictures - I scroll right on by those. Anyway, I'm a single father of 4 - 3 boys, and the youngest is a girl. My wife passed away two years ago and now I'm feeling like I'm ready to jump back into the game. But to be honest I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm tired of jerking off and I just want to get laid for a change.
My oldest overheard me telling a buddy that the #metoo movement has me scared so I'm looking to post on a hook-up site. We're pretty open in this house when it comes to nudity. Not that we strut around naked we just don't feel the need to hide things. So my son, who is really into photography, offered to take some nude photos for me. He positions me on a chair and then says if I plan on getting any hits I need to "fluff it up a bit." Needless to say I had trouble with him looking at me even through the lens of a camera. But, seriously? A big looking dick is what it takes to attract someone on these sites? I'd be interested in what your readers think."
First off, I think it's good you are teaching your kids they have no reason to be ashamed of their bodies. That's a healthy attitude to instill.
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Though, I have a word of caution regarding your son. Please make sure he isn't posting selfie dick pics (boner or otherwise). It could result in a record he doesn't want following him for the rest of his life.
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To answer your question in a word: No. I don't think women are all that interested in guys having a big cock. They want to know that you know how to use what you have. And, no, you may not point out four kids as proof.
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Sure we all joke about wishing we had another inch or two...or three or four.
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But, I think a normal, average, everyday-sized cock is quite sufficient for the vast majority of people - even for gay and bi guys if they're being honest.
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But, that said - Readers?
Big is fun to look at but can be too much to handle sometimes. Average is just fine with me.
I'm moved by the words of your "no more hidden" reader!!!
As long as there is five inches yo work with I'm satisfied.
It is not the size of your cock but how well you use it! Gay, Bi, Straight or any combination of all three!
Sorry guys but we women may like to see skin (just to see if you are in decent shape) but never in a million years would I put a photo out there (for eternity) naked. You just never know where that will end up and how it would get used. Especially if you have a family. He's not a pro.
I am really struggling with this answer because I don't know a single woman who would be happy with just sex unless they're going to get paid for it. Is that what you actually want? There are health issues to consider on that road. What I really wonder is why he doesn't want a relationship with someone? Ok, this is how we think.
I could write volumes, hugs and bisous, French Patrick. ☃️ Cold and snow.
I am sorry to have to say that I am not at all sure that we have more or less risks to be unfairly accused at #metoo if we use a hook-up site. It is a starting point which, for both of the partners, proves that a relationship has existed, but which proves nothing about what happened after the moment when we have met our partner face-to-face.
If a simple statement, without proof, which may be courageously unnamed, has more weight than the presumption of innocence, we have now entered the era of the "every man for himself".
Love, hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Even a guy who may be smaller than average can be sufficient if he is confident in who he is and connects with his partner.
Maybe this comes across a little hypocritical. I really don't have a problem with family nudity in general and can see a healthy side to that. Even the photo session is OK. I am a little uncomfortable though with the "fluffing up" comment only because it is turning it a little too sexual for me. Am I missing something that I should take in consideration?
Gay guys are fascinated by big cocks, and they certainly feel very good in the hand. I was very into being a bottom in anal intercourse in my 50's and 60's, but my most memorable experiences then were with several warm wonderful men with smaller cocks, which meant they could fuck me comfortably for long enough to achieve a shift of consciousness. However, during that time I also had a regular top fuck buddy who has an above average cock, but also was very skilled in getting me to relax for long sessions- again a really great guy!
@ Jean - But, this is why we love your comments - we get the female perspective. Hugs and bisous!
First thought, average size guys are bigger than half the population. So there's that. At an even 6" and reasonably thick I feel quite adequate and have no personal issues regarding my own size. On the other hand, when looking at others, I find anything smaller than myself to appear less than appealing to me. Not sure even why. I tend to find 7"-7.5" and thick to be the most perfect of sizes, from an aesthetic point of view.
I think everyone is too hung up on size. Most realize that average is 5”. And those shoukd be celebrated. That is what we naturally see. Would be great to see more posts with average, every day kind of guys and there cocks. Let’s strice to change the narrative. Show more regular joes. Not the beefy, buff, plus size dicks. I challenge you to show the “normal”
Normal, average, regular is beautiful
Simple answer: Only send nudes if she says send nudes.
@ Steve - AF - When I find them, I grab them for later use. Unfortunately, the vast majority of blogs put up pics of the beefy, buff, and plus-sized cocks.
He needs a real relationship and not a one night stand. Don't put nude pics out ont the Internet to come back to haunt him and his family later. Set a good example for your kids if nothing else.
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