Friday, March 16, 2018

Exquisite Release

The weekend is upon us, once again. I swear, the days are flying by. Take some time to savor things. Enjoy life. Laze about. Let worries and concerns float away. 
Do something nice for yourself.




Experience that exquisite release of tension.


Savor the aftermath.


Have a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

Say no more! The plans for the weekend are exactly that. Have a massage scheduled with a masseur who takes VERY good care of me. - Dad

Xersex said...

happy week end to you too!!!

Unknown said...

Trust you have a great and restful weekend yourself! Still in a state of shock re the medical news!

Your French Patrick said...

According to Fox 5, "Old Man Winter is not done playing games with us just yet!" and next Thuesday Winter storms will threaten the Washington, D.C. region.
In France, it will be not better, and the bad weather will start no later than tomorrow.

But, in spite of the birds of the ill omen of the weather reports I hope that, were you are, you will be able to follow your very attractive program thanks to the weather that you are longing for.

I hope that after the storm there will be the best part and thus I wish you a wondrous weekend, my darlings Jean and Pat.

JeanWM said...

Good advice - Turn off the news. Happy St. Pats to all the Patricks!

Hugs and bisous to the Patricks!

SickoRicko said...

Have a relaxing weekend yourself!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hm I think its about time for you to make me an appt, dad - R