Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Without Shame


"One of your readers left a comment last week that guys should get more comfortable with enjoying sex together. I thought I'd share this.

My girlfriend was afraid of the virus and refused to visit. I respected that but as a result we drifted apart and don't talk much anymore. My neighbor's marriage has fallen victim too as I've heard is getting common. So, we started hanging out commiserating. At one point we bitched about having to jerk off all the time now. Well, that turned out to be the best thing to happen for both of us. We hook up several times a week now for sex. We both admit it's been awesome and we both don't care who knows. Will we both go back to women when this is all over? Probably. Will we give up the man to man stuff? I seriously doubt it, it's too much fun."

I've read numerous sources stating that many relationships have failed over the course of the pandemic. 24/7 togetherness can create a strain if we don't provide one another time apart for personal interests. It's why couples find retirement to be so difficult - at least in the beginning.

As I've indicated to my Faithful reader during our correspondence: The thing about man-to-man sexual encounters is the fact that most (not all, but most) men are able to separate sex from love or intimacy. Love and intimacy are normal emotional responses - and needed for a stable relationship. Sex is a biological response and, for men, a biological need.

Hooking up with your neighbor is an excellent solution. You're both satisfying a need. That you're both not ashamed of it is...well, excellent. It's real-life proof of what Human Sexuality Experts have been saying since Kinsey's famous studies (eventually corroborated by Masters and Johnson). Humans are sexual beings and their orientation - their sexual attraction and arousal factors - do not fall into two strict categories. Rather it spans the spectrum.

I hope lots and lots of men see your letter and realize they can allow themselves to enjoy male-male sex without shame.


Mistress Maddie said...

Sex is sex. And a man know what another likes and wants.

Xersex said...

without shame and with a lot of confidence!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Finding each other during the pandemic probably opened their eyes to more than just finding a warm body. They may go back to women after this. They may not. Who cares?


Your French Patrick said...

The two gifs "I am not gay" and "Yeah, me neither, bro" summarize almost everything.

The fact that the Covid-19 could have been the cause of romantic breakups because of the confinement surprises me a lot, but why not. These relationships were probably not very strong.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

whkattk said...

@ Six - I like that final sentiment...because as Maddie says, "Sex is sex." It's fun, it's natural, it's normal. Regardless of the participant's gender.

uptonking said...

If any mens is in need of some covid free help... sends 'em my way. I kin help. To qualify, they must be in isolation since March 9th and had contact with less than four people - people who are have also been living in isolation. Sigh.

Adam said...

I'm single and my best friend is a married guy. We provide a helping hand to each other (and sometimes more) and have done so for 15 years. No shame. Best buds. We know each others' families, attend sports events & theater together, and help with home improvement stuff. The family members just don't know what we do in our private time. Frankly, it keeps both of us from trying to get our needs met in unhealthy ways. We've always got each other's backs. And dicks. LOL

AOM SoulFood said...

So WONDERFUL AWESOME! I've been saying this for years. Try it! You'll Like It! Let's just get together and enjoy some pleasure together. Just having some fun! That email gives me hope. I wish you all the very best my Dear Friend. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

SickoRicko said...

Great post and hot GIFs!

Anonymous said...

@Your French Patrick - romantic breakups due to Covid-19 confinement doesn't surprise me as finally women are exposed more fully to the constant male sex drive and will be discovering it does not match theirs in many cases. Before Covid-19, the greater separation hid many realities, such as the amount of male masturbation due to the unavailability of enough sex. I'm not convinced it is not very strong relationships that Covid-19 confinement has broken, but unrealistic perceptions about the male sexual state that are often largely obscured in the pre-Covid-19 lifestyle and now brought into focus as a deal breaker for many women.

IMO, men are generally more sexually compatible with other men due to their greater similarities than with women: it's only socially entrenched homophobia that prevents many from exploring Men having Sex with Men (MSM).

Homophobia largely plays on fear of anal penetration and the association of receptive penetration with being feminine (or un-masculine), when in reality there are many ways of obtaining sexual enjoyment between men that don't involve anal sex. Even anal sex is more about the pleasures of anal and prostate stimulation than about un-masculine behaviour as many men pleasure themselves, alone, via that avenue; so unless you determine male self-pleasure is emasculating, then anal sex has nothing to do with gender. Anything that a man does is masculine for him.

It's great that the OP and his neighbour discarded social conditioning and discovered the joys of MSM: I hope more men are brave enough to challenge outdated social conventions and explore the brave new world of male sexual fulfilment, to their benefit.

Anonymous said...

What I'm taking away from the story is that two people in a time of pandemic are not following medical advise about social bubbles and distancing. Maybe that's why the US leads the world in infection rates and deaths!!!

whkattk said...

@ Adam - That is fantastic. That's how life should be lived!!

whkattk said...

@ Anon - Well, they have been neighbors so I would give them the benefit of the doubt that they know they're both virus free.

But, I'll grant you there are waaaaay too many people out not wearing masks, not physically distancing, and believing this is all a Democrat plot to take over the world.

Anonymous said...

Hookups in the time of COVID are tricky right? Not exactly sure how to phrase this but....how did gay men come to negotiate sex when HIV/AIDS arose? Condoms and safe sex became the norm for gay men. Will masks become a new norm for casual sex hookups? ]As an aside, it is disappointing that wearing a mask has become so politicized.]

To the point above that they were neighbors and presumably knew their status. I hope so, but even a COVID test in not infallible. It only says you don't have the virus at the moment of the test. And as we increasingly see, you can be asymptomatic and have the virus and spread it.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous - whilst there is a risk of greater Covid-19 transmission when 2 people get together, this risk is minimised if the interaction is limited to the pair and not a sequence of one-night-stands with different men. Transmission would be substantially greater with people attending group environments with shared facilities (eg shopping mall toilet facilities) as different people would be involved constantly, versus 2 people getting together and remaining monogamous.

I think society has gone overboard with lockdowns: seesawing between too much and too little when the focus should be on limiting points of multiple changing contact with the objective of maintaining enough critical care beds to cover the need, whilst still allowing some human contact. Expecting elimination of Covid-19 without a vaccine and without destroying the foundation of civilisation is fanciful.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the last posting from an Anon 8 Oct @ 3:28 shows his lack of understanding about the spread of COVID. No risk is minimalized. Even if it is just two individuals. That's what asymptomatic transmission is all about as another writer mentioned in an earlier post.

Anonymous said...

Of course risk is lessened between 2 monogamous individuals compared to those 2 individuals each having contact with multiple other individuals. That doesn't mean no risk of transmission, but it does reduce the stress associated with strict isolation. There needs to be a balance between risk of transmission and creating mental health issues down the track that could be as damaging as transmission.

Remember, transmission doesn't equal fatality or even serious illness 1:1, so there has to be a balance to preserve the sanity of society.