There are so many different things which interfere with our boners. We guys have a tendency to take our cocks for granted...until they don't function properly.
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In the comments to Friday's post: "I have found during the last few years (I'm 37) it takes more of an intimate connection to fully turn me on/get a full erection. I am wondering if this is just an emotional need or E.D. Actually I began to notice it more so when I began serious weight lifting about 2 years ago but I am having a difficult time finding any worthy info on the possible correlation between lifting weights/testosterone production/erection ability. I would love any input."
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At 37, I suspect the issue is not weight-training. Unless you are ingesting a lot of supplements to hasten the development of muscle. Those substances - if commingled, if taken in extreme quantities - can interfere with our ability to get an erection. Especially if any steroids are used. Steroids are well-known to be boner killers. They cause the testicles to shrink which, in turn, lowers Testosterone.
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If you're using steroids or supplements, quit. It will take longer to achieve the muscle mass you're looking for, but your body is quite capable of getting there without the use of synthetic chemicals.
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Typically, our issues with getting hard can be traced to mental issues. Which is why physicians look there first. Our arousal levels can lag when we get bored - and we do get bored. Men, much more than women, need variety. Not necessarily in partners, but engaging in sex in a different place can give a surge to our boners.
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Additionally, the older we get the more stimulation we need. It can take longer, requiring more direct (and new) physical contact, more and new visual stimulus, different and new fantasies.
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A yearly physical exam is very helpful. Make an appointment and get checked from head to toe.
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It could reveal an issue with blood pressure. As fullmoonma (howtobate) indicated, high blood pressure could be the direct culprit. But, whatever the cause, you deserve to have a fully functioning cock.
Any readers who have experience with weight lifting, please add to the conversation by leaving a comment.
n response to the post on shaving, a reader asks: "If you shave the shaft, do you shave it with an erection or when it is flaccid?"
I shave the shaft when it's flaccid. An erection adds to the possibility of nicking oneself. And don't put pressure on the razor. Let the natural weight of the razor do the work. Added pressure can result in scraping the skin, leaving something similar to a rug burn.
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You guys who responded that you shave the shaft: How do you do it? Hard or soft?
Hello, Pat!
Hello, Jean!
(continuation and end by e-mail)
I shave while my penis is flaccid - I pull and stretch it up as I use an electric trimmer with a guard to prevent nicking. Thanks for all the good info on keeping healthy. Wishing you a jizztastic day. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
Another interesting post! Great information for those who need it! Wonderful images!
I found that as soon as I started to shave cock and sac I got an erection!
Cold and wet here!
Thanks for all your visits and comments.
Thank you so much for the response to my comment, I sincerely appreciate it! =) I have been reading your blog for quite a while and always look forward to seeing your next post.
As far as shaving hard or soft. I find it easier if I'm hard. I have started shaving while soft but that always results in a boner.
I have the feeling, if I may be as bold, you'd be very fun in bed. I have the feeling, like myself you'd enjoy much touching and exploring before any actual "action." I can get hard right away, but the more intimate the play, the better it is!!!! Shaving....always when flaccid. And regarding those body builders up above. I would much rather have big dick then a pumped body!!!!! What a shame.
Aren't night time erections one of the first indicators something is not working well? It seems it is separate from you mental functions.
Hugs to the East French Patrick and to the west Pat.
Time magazine did a big article recently on the amount of porn one watches and the inability to get aroused through normal stimulation.
@ Jean - Yep, those nighttime boners do tell the truth. That is why doctors will send a guy home to do the "stamp test," or insist on the contraption that hooks up to the cock to measure arousal. But, as we age, it's not only a mental game we must play, it is a physical one as well. Hugs et Bisous!
steroids bring cancer! I fear that
I shave the shaft with a razor while flaccid. I agree, use a light touch. Yes, I usually do get an erection. Then I rub some coconut oil all over my cock to moisturize and also to take care of the erection:)
By the time I put on shaving cream, my cock is hard. I use Gillette blades and never had a nick.
always when it is soft
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