"...men always coming and going, and going and coming - and always too soon..." - "I'm Tired," Madeline Kahn, Blazing Saddles
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Ah, a little bit of levity there. But, there's the rub: cumming, and always too soon. If the things we've gone over in the past few days don't do the trick for you, the problem may be hyper-sensitivity. All males may have the same equipment, but there are always minor variations.
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And, having a super-sensitive glans is one of those variations. Just as some guys can handle continued stimulation once they've ejaculated, there are those who can't. The head is so sensitive to the touch, it hurts. And some men need help in reducing those intense sensations in order to make the love-making last. There's a solution for that.
You'll find desensitizing creams in the Family Planning section of your local pharmacy, on the shelf near the condoms. Even WalMart carries them. Man Delay is the most popular, because it's less expensive.
If you're too embarrassed to take it to the register - you shouldn't be, but if you are - grab a bottle of anesthetic sunburn spray. It contains Benzocaine or Lidocaine - the same active ingredients, and likely the same amount, used in the desensitizing creams.
Whichever you choose to use, it's best to wait for it to take effect, and then wash your cock to remove any residue before engaging in any activity.
I'd also recommend trying it with a few jack off sessions to experiment with dosage.
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Using too little won't deliver the desired outcome
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Using too much will likely leave your cock numb and, perhaps, unable to reach ejaculation.
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And, not being able to cum...
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is not only extremely frustrating. It's painful.
More excellent advice and wonderful images. Thanks for all you do for us. I wish you long stroke sessions with very happy endings. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
I tried Viagra but it was a bad experience! I wasn't able to cum!
Thanks again for your visits and comments! Another very important post! "KEEP UP" the good work!
You remember the young man who wanked before fucking his wife so as to last longer before ejaculating and so as to avoid this reproach? Madeline Kahn could maybe recommend to her partners to do the same thing, and maybe also wank herself before the coitus to come sooner.
Who come too soon and who come too late? Your honor Pat, it's a divorce case in which I plead the reciprocal wrongs.
Love, hugs and bisous, Jean and Pat.
Maybe you have some advice for the opposite condition - not being able to reach orgasm while fucking. While it's not a frequent activity for me, I've only once ejaculated in this manner. Maybe that's why it's not a frequent activity? I can't say it really bothers me on any conscious level, and I did enjoy it at the time!
I wonder if one day all of this will be taught in schools. Probably not, since this generation will be getting all their information off the Internet. Is that like taking a sip out of a firehose? Pat we need something to cheer us up, the politics here are discouraging.
Hugs and bisous to you and French Patrick.
I have the opposite "condition".
@ Jean - A sip out of a firehose is a very good way to put it. I wish our society would do better. I'll try to lighten the mood for the weekend. Hugs et bisous!
@ Fullmoonma - That, my dear sir, is the next topic.
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