I was unaware that yesterday was actually "Unity Day" - a day to combat bullying. Huh; my post happened to be good timing, eh? 😎 Well, I may as well do it properly today.
"After the oldest R went off to college, the youngest R came home from school with a similar story. I asked if he stepped in to help. Nope. I taught both of my boys what I could and steered them to your blog. I told him if he witnesses anything like that again he should say something because he's in a position to educate the other boys. He knows full-well that men can't control when or where a a hard-on rears up. - Dad"
As you know, your boys leave comments here once in a while; sometimes individually, sometimes signed "The 2 Rs." I'd say you have every reason to be proud of them. I'd be willing to bet that if either of them sees any kind of bullying again, they'll help.
Folks, if you see or hear someone being bullied, say something. Step in and help. We need more kindness in the world, not less.
Great post!
"We need more kindness in the world, not less."
so true!!!
You are a great help to so many guys! Trust your eye problem is under control!
The more who are aware to stand against bullying - the less we will have. I hope you and yours are doing well, buddy. I wish you super duper day! Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
Totally! Too many people just stand by and let bullying happen....
LOL. thanks for the nice words Pat. - R
Yeah thanks for that. We try. Even here in college you'd be surprised how much taunting goes on - R
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