Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Does He Tell You?

What an incredible response to yesterday's post. Comments and emails - all supporting the reader. And, evidently, some of you have experienced this situation; the married friend (or hook-up). It's very interesting to note that many of the married guys in the Jack Off Group I belonged to would cite the fact that their wives weren't very adept at cock play; that men inherently know what to do (which is true) with a cock.


A lot of the trouble in marriage sex: We send non-verbal signals; we raise our hips, we moan, we sigh. But we don't take a spouse's hand and inform it of what we want at the moment, and we won't say it out loud.

When you hook up with a buddy, do you tell him what feels good, what you want him to do?








Does he tell you?


Your French Patrick said...

Obviously, I ask him what I want him to do.
And obviously he tells me what he want me to do.
Why not... buddy?
And even if he was deaf or dumb or both at the same time, I think that, as regards this "non-issue", we would very well succeed in understanding us (and persuading us) by other ways.
I wish tyou a wondrous day, my darling, with a lot of... persuading bisous.

JeanWM said...

I'm playing catch up. Interesting topics about male sexual friends, gay couples being less exclusive, etc.

Age really gives you perspective (parents die, family and friends become ill and/or die, etc.) and you look back and think, in the grand scheme of things, few issues are actually worth your angst. Hard to realize this when you're in the throes. What seems to rise to the top are love, trust, kindness, honesty every time. Sounds like the Golden Rule might just work well.

French Patrick made me think It seems women are much less willing to share a mate than a man is willing to share. If a woman approves, it could change any minute, so be prepared.....

Unknown said...

'Will you fuck me?' 'Can I fuck you?' 'Suck me!' 'Oh! Yes! Suck me!' How many times have said that and has it been said to me! 'Oh! Yes! suck my tits!' 'Lick my pits!' I've heard them all and more! Great post!

SickoRicko said...

Many hot pix!

Xersex said...

sure I'm supporting the married bisex guy!!!

love your blog and your bisex attitude!!!

Anonymous said...

Open Communication is always a good way to go. I want to know if what I am doing is pleasurable and what can I do to make it even more. Wishing you a jizzTastic day, my Friend. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

Your French Patrick said...

@ Jean WM
What I said is true as concerns myself, I did not say that that goes for all the men.
I think that the jealousy is stupid, useless, destructive. It creates problems, it solves none.
I think that a purely sexual relation has nothing to do with love, that it is a kind of masturbation that uses a partner as a dildo.
"To make love" is a stupid expression (we have the same in French). The fornication does not create love. When we love, the love is already there, we do not have to make what already exists. When we "make love", we show it, we express it, we share it, we do not make it. Obviously, we have many of the other ways to show it by any sorts of loving attentions.
Do you know what in French we call an "Auberge espagnole" (Spanish Inn, in English), other than the title of the film of Cédric Klapisch "L'Auberge espagnole"? It is a place, a party, where everyone brings along the food they wish to eat.
The interest of all becomes confused with the interest of each. The more and the better we bring, the more and the better we receive in sharing.
And so is love, we both share what we both bring along.
Bisous, my dear Jean.