Friday, October 11, 2019

On the Rise

I read a very small article this week and thought today would be a good time to post about it. Weekends are typically when folks go out on the hunt to get laid. Not surprising. What is surprising is that they - obviously - are not being careful; not being safe.
Condoms burst into national consciousness back in the 80's AIDS crisis. That overwhelming spread of a then-unknown STI, or STD, also brought about the push for mutual masturbation as a means of sexual release.

But, recent reports show a frightening continued rise in the spread of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Folks, this is not good. Yes, unlike HIV, there are cures for these. And, yes, there are drugs which can keep HIV at undetectable levels.
However, if you aren't following safe sex practices, you can unknowingly contract any STD and then infect another person.
The BWA slogan "Keeping the man parts healthy" includes safe sex. Mutual masturbation can be just as pleasurable, just as satisfying as penetrative activity. Using a condom may cut down on a man's sensitivity a little bit, but that lack of sensation will not be so great as to stop ejaculation.

Stay safe this weekend. If you are not in a monogamous relationship, if you find a random hook-up, if you plan on "dipping your wick," use condoms. Otherwise, hands can be just as stimulating,

just as pleasurable,

just as satisfying and the release as complete.

Have a fun, safe weekend.


SickoRicko said...

It's disturbing how this is happening.

Xersex said...

thanks for your careful wisdom
happy weekend to you too.

Mistress Maddie said...

I too am amazed at how many guy are into bare backing again. I was on Fire Island this summer and did a couple trips in the meat rack. There was open sex all around, and it shocked me to see how many weren't using condoms.

Your right stay safe!

Have a good weekend friend.

JeanWM said...

Be prepared. Also for men who have to adjust themselves, it’s a pity that men don’t still wear kilts. Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

I am getting the feeling that there are men on Prep who forget about all the other sexually transmitted infections.

Your French Patrick said...

The gift of ubiquity.

"The Kurds are fighting for their land, you have to understand," the president said from the White House, before categorically excluding an American intervention for the Kurds: "They did not help us during the Second World War . They did not help us in Normandy, for example."
On the other hand, Kurdish fighters were on the Allied side during the Second World War and fought against the Nazis (or at least those whom the Nazis had put at the head of Iraq) during the Second World War. The English historian Akil N. Awan, a specialist in contemporary terrorism in the Middle East, recalls on Twitter that the Kurds had helped the British forces to defeat Iraqi troops by Rachid Ali al Gaylani in 1941. According to the historian, the Kurds will represent up to 25% of allied troops stationed in Iraq in 1942. Then of course, Donald Trump will be able to argue that the Kurds did not move on the European or Sino-Japanese front when the Americans, they, crossed the Atlantic Oceans. But let's just remember that the Kurds had a real state only two years in contemporary history (1844-1846) and this despite the promises of an independent Kurdish state pronounced at the Paris Peace Conference and the treaty of Sèvres, in 1919 and 1920.
In short, either Trump has (involuntarily, of course) forgotten these little details, or he blames them for not having had the gift of ubiquity.

Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

If only some of us found it easy to hook up. (Promise I'm not an incel. People can do or not do whoever they want. Just lonely and awkward.)

whkattk said...

@ Anon - Depending upon where you live, there may (could) be a Jack Off Group near you. These groups spawn friendships, too!