Yesterday afternoon a group of folks hit onto the topic of ejaculation and physical energy. Years ago it was thought that blasting one off saps physical energy and stamina, and athletes were forbidden to have any kind of sexual experience the day before am event.
Then, sometime in the 90s (I think), that was overturned by the medical/physical therapy community and guys were free to toss one off.
Immediately following ejaculation, the brain triggers the release of chemicals (dopamine, oxytocin, seratonin) which relaxes all the muscles in the body leaving us feeling relieved of stress, and in a state of euphoria.
Ceasing the activity while at the height of it all - before orgasm - can leave us with that humming, coursing energy.
However, the immediate morning after a satisfying escapade is a different story. I used to wake (with a good solid hard-on) feeling really good, ready to face any challenge. The truth of the matter is, it's different for all of us. Some guys feel relaxed and generally lazy, some get super energized.
There's a pretty decent post ("Ask the Batemaster: Jacking and Winning") on the subject over on the BatorBlog.
love cum and shots
I wonder if they measured testosterone levels...
in the meantime, our news is so awful each day, any escapes are hereby approved by unanimous proclamation!!
Hugs and bisous.
Just a reminder that there are ways to resolve the energy of a great bate session without coming if you're one of us guys who loses a lot of energy ejaculating.
Body Electric taught the "big draw" or breath orgasm - taking in deep breaths for a while at the end of the bate (the longer the better) and then tensing all your muscles for about 20 seconds while holding your breath and then relaxing and resting. You can do this several times during a bate session and intensity builds.
Bruce Grether, the Bateworld Batemaster, teaches a dry orgasmic technique towards the end of. . A dozen or two little dry orgasms a minute apart have the cumulative relaxation effect of an ejaculation but leave me tingling and full of energy.
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