It would appear each time I use a few photos which include women I lose a follower or two. Now, I realize that the majority of my readers are gay, but a goodly amount of straight dudes also read regularly. And, as one stated in a comment not all that long ago, "Throw us a 'bone' once in a while." So, I do. Big Whack Attack is all about informing folks about cock, and encouraging openness, honesty, and pride. We want our straight brothers along for the ride, don't we?
Well, anyway... Going back to the lockers and showers. Women are much, much more modest in these situations than men, but bear in mind society has been judging women for decades - and no one is harder on women than other women.
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Guys, on the other hand, are not so self-conscious about their bodies - just their packages. We fear our cocks will be judged - perhaps laughed at. Personally, the only thing I've experienced is long, questioning looks (sometimes blunt stares). And occasionally a guy would dare to ask, "Dude, what happened to your balls?" "Well," I answered, "they're there. Just very small. See?" I'd say and lift my cock out of the way. "Mumps and Scarlet Fever fried them when I was a kid - they never grew."
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Military guys can be forward like that. To be honest, I found it rather refreshing to be asked instead of just noticing guys taking repeated sly (they thought, anyway) ganders at my crotch. I mean, come on, men, you're obviously curious, so ask! But, I do have to admit that there is something about water sluicing down the length of the cock that starts a bit of burgeoning.
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Lifting it up to wet everything down properly maybe increases the hardness.
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We soap it up
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and perhaps it blossoms into a full boner.
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But, this, too, guys is perfectly natural, and should be nothing to be concerned about. It happens. So what? It's no reason to wear briefs into the showers. I mean, good lord, how do you get clean that way?
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Other guys showering, or within view from the lockers,
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should know enough to recognize that semi-hard-on or burgeoning boner for what it is:
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A typical and absolutely normal physiological reaction