The response to Friday's post was phenomenal. Thank you to everyone who responded - whether by comment or email. There are so many things about our packages of which the vast majority of society are so completely unaware.
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And men are to blame. Yes, we are. We hide these issues, we deny having them, we fear seeking medical attention, because we're too embarrassed to talk about them. We fear doctors will either give us some horrible news or tell us we're crazy.
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We fear being ridiculed by our friends. But our friends are no different.
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This is what keeps guys in the dark about the natural, physiological responses...making us wonder if we're weird, if we're nuts, or if we're not at all "normal." This is what makes men suffer in silence when communication could - and can - help us in all areas of our lives.
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Soak up all the information you can. Share it. Especially among your buddies. Opening up to other guys will typically find plenty of responses like, "Oh, holy shit! That's happened to me, too. Here's what I did for it..."
Or, "Thank God. I thought there was something wrong with me."
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Be open. Be honest. It's a cock. Every male has one. It will help you learn to take pride in what you were born with and how it functions.
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never had a ejac. that I was not expecting, neither during my teenage! But I know i'm so strange, probably you touched an interessant subject!
I don't know what your title should instead have been, but as drafted, it's not quite exact, except in the overwhelming majority of cases.
This man has two penis:
And this one has four penis:
On the contrary, this one is born with no penis:
I did not see the Blood Moon. So bad, all the more than there was no cloud throughout France and I was not yet lying. And the next one...
I wish you a wondrous day, my dear friend, with a lot of bisous. For instance where you guess if you moon.
Trust you had a great weekend! I thought that you would like the "Ballet" pictures! Another great post! Thanks for your visits and comments. Patrick
Amen, brother! And thanks to you more men are getting the info we need. You are doing a great service. Thanks for all you do for us. Wishing you a wonderful day. Hugs and Strokes, AOM
@ MFP - Ah, mon ami...perhaps I should have titled it "Every Male has AT LEAST One." Bisous!
At first I wanted to suggest you this title, but that does not work for the one who had no cock at all. But it is true that it is a case extremely rare.
Yet another great post!
Some of those photos are quite artistic, nice choices! :)
@ MFP - While the first is true and real, the second is a photo-shopped picture accompanying an anti-gay missive from Africa. The third, I believe, is also real and true.
Amazing what nature can bring and what modern medical science can repair.
Everybody will be free to form his own opinion. But it is not because a photo is incredible that it is photo-shoped. And that does not depend either on whom uses it.
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