Imagine being 24, in college, and no idea about sex. Not even the simple basics of human anatomy and function. In this New York Times article, "Late Bloomer Learning About Birds and Bees in College," sent by Faithful Reader Jean, Eli Reiter details his struggle to learn what many have known for years. (You'll need a free account to read, but it's easy to sign up. Free accounts get you 9 articles per month, I think.)
Many of us had/have parents who won't instruct us, we learn(ed) the basics (maybe) in school or on the street from friends. Eli grew up in Jewish Orthodoxy, went to yeshiva and had no access to the internet, and was lucky to have had a television, something his friends didn't even have.
Imagine going through the teen years having no understanding at all about your body; aching balls and boners that won't quit.
Imagine being mid-20's and still not knowing anything about spontaneous hard-ons, morning wood, balls and boners, or ejaculations.
I find it sad that there are still young people out there who have no clue.
Eli was very brave to have told his story.