To follow-up on yesterday's post: Prolonged constant leaking and dripping of pre-cum - in the absence of arousal and lack of being horny - can be a sign of a Prostate infection. I indicated that from personal experience, an infection can clog up the pipes.
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For weeks my wife asked why there were spots on my briefs, asked if I hadn't cleared properly after taking a piss because of wet spots on my pants. At work, to avoid notice, I placed a folded-up paper towel around the head of my cock to soak up the fluid.
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A couple weeks later, the leaking tapered off and then stopped. I thought things were good. But, then ejaculation became a problem. Suddenly, I couldn't cum.
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Not with intercourse, not with jacking off. After weeks of trying, my balls ached so bad it hurt to move.
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On a Saturday morning, I went into the bedroom and teased and stroked and pounded away. Nothing. My wife came in to help. Nothing. The ache in my nuts was horrific. I was desperate to cum and all the usual tricks had failed.
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Monday morning I called a urologist for an appointment. Pants and briefs removed, I sat in his exam room. He came in with a new chart, asked what I was there for. I was in such discomfort, and so desperate, the words just blurted out, "I can't cum, and my balls are killing me."
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"You're too young for this to be happening." He stood me up, gently checked my man-berries, ran his fingers along the shaft of my cock and squeezed the hole open to check for obstructions. "How long has it been? Can you cum if you masturbate?" Weeks, and no, I told him.
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He bent me over the exam table and, sitting on his stool, pushed in a finger, then two, then three. He pushed and massaged. I got one humongous boner. He kept on probing, He suddenly removed his fingers, grabbed my arm, stood me up and spun me around to face him. He wrapped his KY-lubed hand around my cock and stroked a few times. My balls yanked up, and I shot like a cannon.
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He jacked me until the cum slowed to a lava flow. I, of course, was highly embarrassed. This poor doctor was covered in cum. His lab coat, his face and neck, his hand, and the floor around us were all splattered with jizz. And the odor was nasty.
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He grabbed a bunch of paper towels, handed me some and told me to clean myself up, and wiped his face and neck. He casually went back to the chart, and while he scribbled, apologized, "Sorry, but it had to be done. You have a severe prostate infection. Heavy antibiotics for a week. You need to keep the plumbing cleared out to prevent this from happening again. I want you to jack off at least twice a week in addition to any sex."
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The next time the leaking began I was smart enough to go see my regular physician. He gathered pre-cum onto a slide, and checked it. "Prostate infection. Antibiotics for a week. And more regular ejaculations."
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Pre-cum is great stuff. But cum is better.
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