Of course, before we can be comfortable jacking off with other guys, we need to shed our shame of erections. Another tough thing to get over after being so ashamed of, and embarrassed by, them during our school years. Once we got a bit more world-wise, we learned boners are actually something to celebrate. Many men spend small fortunes to regain a sexually functioning cock.
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I think that fact has made it easier to admit to jacking off.
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Doing it with a buddy can truly be a great learning experience.
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The more we learn about what might help take us over the edge, what we might to do stave that off, we become better sex partners. One can learn an awful lot by attending a jack off group - or as we used to call them, a good old-fashioned circle jerk
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simply by watching others. It can also help to shed the shame of boners.
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If you get really lucky, you might find a group of men who can help guide you. Much like the Body Electric classes, there are groups who meet to assist men in learning control to prolong the pleasure,
and then maintain the ability through Tantric Masturbation exercises. |
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And, who doesn't want to prolong the pleasure?
masturbation has often been something I enjoyed doing by myself but I got the opportunity to find a group in Seattle called Rain City Jacks. It changed my whole perception of masturbating. I still find more pleasure being in my own little world. but every now and then its good to be amongst others free enough to bate with one another.
The Male Casting Couch
Very good advice.....and I firmly believe in the motto practice makes perfect!!!!
"we need to shed our shame of erections" I do not understand. It would be ridiculous to strut about with an overweening pride edging the arrogance or complacency, but I am incapable of associating the words "shame" and "erection" in the same sentence.
Bisous, mon bébé chéri.
I should also like to pay my respects to Lady Jean, and wish her all the best with a lot of bisous.
It's always amazing, that you succeed to create a familiar atmosphere with the compiled nice and stimulating pictures. This causes a real desire to be part of such an inspiring jack off group. Thanks!
Another great post! You do it so well. Wet and cold here today. I'm off to the doctor shortly for the results of last week's blood and urine tests. Will leave a "Packed Lunch".
Many hot men!
Really good point. No one tells you (i.e. Dr., parents, buddies) that you had better make good use of your youngest age because it is literally all downhill! Maybe someone did and we wern't listening. Hugs and bisous. @FP glad to hear your grandson coming through his surgery.
@ Jean - I heard men around the shop I worked in before leaving for the military that they took every opportunity for sex that came along because they wanted to "use it before they lost it." I, of course, thought it was bunk. Now, boner pills take care of that problem for men. But, they still have lost the ability to really enjoy them.
@ Mark - Rain City Jacks is a wonderful group! When we had ours, it was a monthly thing. Not as active as some - like the NY Jacks, or the Philadelphia Jacks - so, going to group was a thing I always looked forward to.
love the last gif!
I used to share the naked mags with friends but each one would go to the bathroom at a time and enjoy it alone and then pass it to the next we never saw each others boners
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