My experience yesterday might inform my opinion, but I can see this being even more of an issue if we were to go to full socialized medicine. I show up, wait in line, get to the registration desk only to have the woman tell me she has no appointment for me. Five minutes of verifying my name, address, and date of birth (a multitude of times), and she still finds nothing to indicate I should be there. After which she finally reveals that my neurologist is out of town on a family emergency... In other words, all of his appointments got canceled - and no one bothered to call his patients to let them know they would need to reschedule.
All of which results in my having to wait another month+ before he can take a look at what's happening.
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My first doctor did inform me that a level of ED would be a normal symptom of my M.D. - and we talked about ways to boost the hardness in order to jack off,
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because he did believe in the importance of boners and frequent ejaculations.
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But he said I would never have cramping in the area. How I wish he had been correct in that assumption!
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Imagine finishing up taking a piss
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- and doing those quick, short kegel-like bearing down and squeezing-the-ass-cheeks to fully empty the bladder - and having the muscles in the perineum cramp up. Or having them seize up when your blasting a load of cum. Or simply sitting and watching TV and one hits... Oh, lordy! It feels like someone has taken the root of your cock, put it into a vise, and cranked down on it.
I would much rather go back to enjoying my boners and feeling - as French Patrick put it "tirer sa crampe" - only the cramp of ejaculation.
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love these guys squirting their creamy milk!
Very inspiring images - great to see so many wonderful ejaculations. Sorry to hear about your appointment. I honestly think they owe us money for OUR time when they do shit like not be there for our appointments and not call us to let us know. I hope you are well and jizzin' up a cum storm! Hugs and Strokes, AOM
So sorry to hear about your experience! The Medical Practice that I go to is excellent and is gay oriented, though everyone is welcomed. The doctor I see always lets me know when he will be away. I will be seeing him this morning to get the results of last week's blood and urine tests. As ever, a great selection of images! Thanks for your visits and comments, This Old Man!
Could there be an MD Forum on-line for men? There seems to be one for every condition. In a month of digging you may come up with some answers. I wonder if the doctor knows how his patients were treated.
I did not believe in the reincarnation, but if you tells me that you had a "date of birth a multitude of times" my friendship obliges me to believe you.
Why do you say "socialized medicine"? In France, in any case, this has nothing to do with the politics and even less with the socialist or communist regimes. That works as an insurance policy, a mutualist system. We pay contributions, and we take advantage of it if or need it, and we pay for the others if we are lucky enough not to be sick. Exactly as in an insurance against theft, the fire, etc.
The medicine made progress which give the dizziness, but that is more and more expensive. A transplant of heart? Before, the person would die simply and it was much less expensive. The other side of the coin, it is that so as to limit the costs it happens that the supplementary quality is made to the detriment of the quantity of doctors, hospitals, etc.
I wish you to have a few problems as possible during these "month+" of waiting, and also to beging by a good day with a lot of bisous.
I wish for you the cramps to stop!
@ Jean - I've found some on-line stuff. But, not surprisingly, none cover the issues of sexual function or health connected to M.D. Of course, as we are faced the inevitable of wheelchairs and feeding tubes, being able to get a boner and finding sexual release is the last thing most M.D. patients are concerned with. They may ask a neurologist about it - the doctor may even discuss the future of sexual function right at the time of diagnosis (mine did, with my wife present; we both thought she had the right to know). But, that's most likely as far as any discussions go. Which is sad, really, because those of us with the disease want to live as normal a life as possible, and that includes the enjoyment of sex.
#3, pretty please!!
For years, I have read and seen the advertisements in the mass media about all of the penis enhancement pills and thought that they were all scams or gimmicks. All of the medical sites that I have visited stated that none of the herbal supplements would ever help increase the size of a penis. I got very depressed when I read this, because unfortunately I was not naturally blessed with a penis that was big enough to arouse my sexual partner or past partners. I am a man that is past my sexual primetime and my sexual performance has a lot to be desired. I decided to try Doctoc Akhigbe herbal medicine after all the reading and researching that I have done.I saw a testimony " Joe" about doctror Akhigbe Herbal Medicine Since there is a Money Back Guarantee, I give him a trial what did I have to lose? I couldn't believe the results I was seeing after drinking the Natural Herbal Medicine and Herbal Soap to be rubign my penis! he sent to me through DHL courier delivery service . Within about 2 weeks I had a noticeable increase in the girth of my penis. Then after a coupleof aditional week it started to grow in length and I was amazed and very excited.before I finish the drink and the soap my penis had grown an additional two inches. I've had a considerable improvement with my sex life and these pills are certainly worth every penny I spent on them! I want to thank Dr Akhigbe for the time and effort they have spent on helping people in my situation.I know many are out there who are suffering this problem and they need help, email him. He also cure other diseases like: Painful or Irregular Menstruation. HIV/Aids. Breast Enlargement. Diabetics. Vaginal Infections. Vaginal Discharge. Itching Of the Private Part. Breast Infection. Discharge from Breast. Breast Pain & Itching. Lower Abdominal Pain. No Periods or Periods Suddenly Stop. Women Sexual Problems. High Blood Pressure Chronic Disease. Pain during Sex inside the Pelvis. Pain during Urination. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, (PID). Dripping Of Sperm from the Vagina As Well As for Low sperm count. Parkinson disease. Lupus. Cancer. Tuberculosis. Zero sperm count. Asthma. Quick Ejaculation. Gallstone, Premature Ejaculation. Herpes. Joint Pain. Stroke. Weak Erection. Erysipelas, Thyroid, Discharge from Penis. HPV. Hepatitis A and B. STD. Staphylococcus + Gonorrhea + Syphilis. Heart Disease. Pile-Hemorrhoid.rheumatism, thyroid, Autism, Penis enlargement, Waist & Back Pain. Male Infertility and Female Infertility. For your cure email him now: or Contact his numbe: +2349010754824.
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